No data entry allowed in spreadsheet



Running Vista and Office 2007, things had been working decently until today.
Now, both newly created spreadsheets and old ones no longer allow us to enter
data into cells. It is as if the keyboard is dead, although the keyboard is
still working in all othe programs, and is still working for alt-menu
commands in excel.

In existing spreadsheets, cells can be edited indirectly, by going up top to
the formula bar, but this is very cumbersome.

This problem seems to have commenced when we created a file with a Microsoft
Template called "Charitable Gifts and Donations Tracker". Although the
problem started with this template, it now exists in all other excel
worksheets. This template appears to have the value TC100993111033 in the
Document Properties / Advanced Properties / Custom / Document Value in the
sub-sub-sub-sub menu described above.

The settings appear to be correct and normal in two areas I thought this
could involve--under the Vista tab Review for Protect Document, ad under the
Vista tab Formula for Calculate Now.

I wish Vista was as easy to work with as Windows, and 2007 as easy as 2003.
All the menus I have known by heart from 2003 are now only 30 to 40% useful
at best, becuase Microsoft's designers appear to have emphasized youngsters
who prefer the slower process of mouse clicking, and not considered very
fast, touch-typing power users when they changed to the ribbon. Example--in
Word, ALT-F, and then the letter "u" used to show the view of what a file
would look like before printing. Now it gives you the option to publish a
blog. There is no logic to this change--it is sheer bad engineering and
nothing more.

- Peter

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