Numbering Style Breaking when opened with 2003



We are upgrading Word from 2000 to 2003. As part of the process, I
upgraded my Word to 2003 first to see what problems would occur with
our templates (created in 2000) before moving the rest of the users in
our group to 2003. The only problem that I have encountered is that
sometimes when I open a Word document containing our numbering style,
when I save the file, all of the numbers (but not the tab settings)
disappear, and the numbering style has to be reapplied to the entire
document. It is not breaking all of the time, and it seems to be
random. Sometimes it breaks when I add text or paste (special -
unformatted text) into the document. Sometimes I can do that and it
won't break. What can I do to fix this?

Thanks in advance,

John McGhie [MVP Word, Word Mac]

Hi Erin:

Make sure you have disabled Tools>Options>Edit>Keep track of formatting.

Then go to Tools>Autocorrect>Autoformat as you Type and disable all the
options in there (you can keep the smart quotes and smileys if you like).

Then try again. I think you are a victim of the Word "Automatically screrw
up your document" "Features" that need to be shot at birth :)

However: Word 2003 does have much more advanced styles and numbering than
Word 2000. In the long run, it will pay you to re-create your complex
numbering schemes in Word 2003: you get extra options that provide greater

But turn off those Automatic eye-candy to stop it screwing up every document
you touch. And make sure that Tools>Templates and Addins>Attach is NOT set
to "Automatically update styles on open". If it is, it will break the
numbering every time you open a dopcument: turn it OFF :)

Hope this helps


Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

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