odd/even page numbering and footers


Stella Rivera

I have searched high and low and can't find out how to do this. Help please!!!
I am working on a manual with auto odd/even page numbering. I am making a
change to page 1-4 and must put "CHANGE 3" 12 spaces after 1-4. The problem
is that the "CHANGE 3" shows up after 1-2 as well. The footers have
different section numbers and I have broken section links. How do I manually
insert something on page 1-4 and not have it show up on page 1-2? Much
thanks to anyone who can help me.


If they're in the same Section, and they're both even pages, they'll
be the same. If you wanted the _same_ different thing in each footer
(if "CHANGE 2" were on p. 1-2, say), you could use a STYLEREF field.
But would a STYLEREF field show up blank if there didn't happen to be
an example of that style on that page? or would it carry over from the
last one that did exist?

(Also, "12 spaces after" could be a problem, unless you're using a
mono-spaced font like Courier. Maybe a tab would be better.)

Stella Rivera

I'm confused. I haven't used field codes. Would I put it in the footer on
page 1-4? If so what would it be? Thanks.


Whatever you're doing, you can't put it in the footer for p. 1-4
specifically; you can only put it in the footer for all even-numbered
pages in that section. If you need something different at the bottom
of every page, then footers probably isn't the best way to go (you'd
have to have a new section every three pages!)

Stella Rivera

It seems strange that Microsoft doesn't have a way to address this
problem--seems there is a solution for everything else. Thank you.


But it isn't a problem. Headers & footers are, by definition, the
stuff that's the same on every page.

Graham Mayor

Styleref continues until the field information changes.

You could add a conditional field to the footer(s)
Immediate after the page number enter

{IF {Page} > 2 "{IF {Page} < 5 " CHANGE 3" ""}" ""}


{ IF{ ={ IF{ Page } > 2 1 0 } * { IF{ Page } < 5 1 0 } } = 1 "
CHANGE3" ""}

Use CTRL+F9 for each bracket pair.
This will allow the text only on pages 3 and 4

However you have an unusual page numbering system - how have you derived
page number 1-4?

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

PamC via OfficeKB.com

Making change pages is always a pain when you have to mimic the way things
were done with oldpaper-based manuals.

One solution:
Different sections to accommodate your different footers. Put a section
break next page at the end of the content for page 1-3 and another at the
end of page 1-4. Enter the footer for sections 2 and 3 (assuming there were
no earlier section breaks) and unlink the footers. Format the page numbers
in these sections so they continue from previous. Now adjust the footer for
page 1-4 to your specs. The footers for pgs 1-3 and 1-5 should be the same.

Text box (or wrapped table). Place the cursor at the beginning of, say, the
last paragraph on page 1-4 and create a text box. Size and drag the box to
where you want it in the footer area. Because it is in the text, not the
footer, it will only show on that one page. If you need to do this often in
the document, make a note of the positions settings (such as horizontal
position 6.6" to the right of Column and vertical position 10.25 below Page)
so you can fix things when Word tries to be helpful.


Another solution:

Stella Rivera

You solved my problem--thank you so much!! I was on the right track, sort of.
I did try a text box but did it in the footer so it stayed in all even-paged
footers. It didn't occur to me to do it in the text and drag it. It was an
obvious solution but I was making it way too hard. Thanks again.

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