Office 2007 Loading Slow....



Having issues with Office 2007 loading extremely slow. Loads slow under all
user profiles. Computer is a HP DC5800 with 2gb of RAM. Anybody else have
issues/fixes for this. Thanks

Bob I

Is an Adobe Acrobat 7 or 6 addin installed? (remove it) Is the "default
printer" accessible? (change to one that is)Has it been slow from the
very beginning? (a disk cleanup and Defrag may be in order)


I will give that a try. Also if you bring up a blank word document then do
the file open it loads quickly. Only loads slow if you try to open a
document its self.

Bob I

Perhaps uncheck the Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data
Exchange (DDE) box in application Options, Advanced


Tried that too, and its a no go. I have tried everything I could possibly
think of including defrag and disk cleanup. Still nothing.

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