Office XP Add-ins could not be loaded and .wll files




We have tested options and OfficeXP Security settings as well searched
for days on Google to find an answer but only found people in a
similar situation.

The Context:
Window 2000 SP3 and patches 'til Oct 15
Office XP SP2 installed as Volatile User
Added Reference Manager Add-in(.dot and .wll file)
Added EndNote (.dot and .wll file)
Added Write and Cite (.dot file)

If we run Office at this point (as Administrator) all add-ins are
recognized and available. At this point User setting are Volatile.
We copy the Profile to a Novell 5.5 server.

Problem exists, i.e. unable to load Macros when we load user with the
above mentioned profile loaded from the Server. Irrespective of what
Macro security (3, 2, or 1) we set, both as HK LOCAL Machine or HKCU,
we continue to get the message: Word could not load this Add-in
Program. (C:profiles\XYZ.....Rm10CWYW.wll)

To boot we have been unable to load/add this .wll which is signed and
Trusted by VeriSign. If there is a simple way to do this please let us

If we copy the HIVE locally and load a member of the local Users
group the profile (which is LOCKED at this point - .MAN instead of
..DAT) all add-ins work fine. What can be different in the process of
copying the same profile from the server rather than having it locally
all the time. We run a Public Access Facility and need users to LOG
OUT and in order to maintain uniformity in the users profile.

I am sure many have posed similar questions however we are yet to find
a solution.

Many thanks

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