Opening Pub 2000 file in 2002 version



I created pub files in 2000 version and saved to removable drive. My labtop
crashed and now I am trying to open files on my desktop which has 2003 pub
version. it says cannot open with this version. What do I do to open and edit
these 2000 files in 2003 version?

Mary Sauer

I don't know if an expired version of Norton interferes with opening Publisher
files, can you open it anyway and disable the Office Plug-in?

Are these files on your hard drive?


I have never been able to open them with Norton expired or not. This has
always been a problem and I have always had to edit the files using my labtop
with the 2000 version. W.hen my labtop crashed I knew this would be an issue.
I did turn the office plug in off and it still would not open the 2000 files
on my desktop.
The files are on my hard drive but not my desktop hard drive, it is another
hard drive my husdand had set up in case out labtops or desktops crashed. We
save everything to it?? Sorry I am not the most computer friendly when it
comes to IT stuff.


I saved to My documents on the desktop and still will not open. Publisher
says "Cannot open another version"
Can I just download Pub 2000 somehwere?

Mary Sauer

Hey Patrice, Can you send me one of the files? You could try buying Publisher
2000 from eBay or a vintage software reseller.
mary-sauer at


Just sent to a friend who has 2003 version and she could open file just
fine?? Should I download 2003 version?

Ed Bennett

Patrice said:
Just sent to a friend who has 2003 version and she could open file just
fine?? Should I download 2003 version?

You cannot legally download any version of Publisher apart from the
trial of Publisher 2007.

Ed Bennett

Patrice said:
Will 2007 open 2000 files.

2002 will open 2000 files.
2003 will open 2000 files.
2007 will open 2000 files.

The problem is NOT with the Publisher version you are using. Unless of
course, you're using Publisher 98 or earlier. Which you've said you haven't.

Mary Sauer

You can open your file with 2007. I opened it okay with 2003 and saved it as
2000, which of course expanded the file to great proportions. The file went from
2.81 MB to 20.3 MB.

Uncle Grumpy

Mary Sauer said:
The file went from 2.81 MB to 20.3 MB.


I just KNEW I did the right thing by upgrading! ;-)

My partner in a joint project is using 2002. She's jealous of my
Content Library. Does 2003 have that?

Mary Sauer

No, the content library is new to 2007. One could add content via the Design
Gallery per publication in earlier versions of Publisher. You couldn't access
the content from a new publication.


Ok, now I just created a pub 2002 file on my husbands labtop and saved to
removable hard drive. Tried to open on my desktop to print (which is the one
we have had all the problems with) and it will not open. It is pub 2002 on
the desktop and I am trying to open pub 2002 file so what is going on ???

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