Order By in Query Spuriously Filled In



Recently, with Access 2003, I've often been getting a parameter
dialogue when I try to run a query I've just saved.

When I search for where on Earth the parameter name came from, it
turns out to have been saved as an Order By property that I certainly
never set.

I never use the Order By property in Access because, basically, it
doesn't work. I would always sort the query if the order mattered.

Does anyone know what's causing Access to fill in the Order By
property of a query with spurious fields in this way?

Phil Hunt

2 possiblity
1) You delete a column in the table on which the query is based. Access will
prompt you to find out
2) You click on the heading of a column and it will save the 'order by'
clause property. You can run the query and right click somewhere (i foget
where) and see the property. You can clear it out.

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