Outline Numbering Linked to Style to Automatically RestartNumbering-no worky for me



I've read all I can on restart numbering here and on ShaunaKelly and
the MVP site, but I must be doing something wrong.

I started with the builtin ListNumber and modified it by going to
Outline Numbering. I set Level 1 to link to my Heading 3 (which is
also a numbered heading) but set it to have no number. I set Level 2
to link to ListNumber and started it as a "1." But when I try it in a
document, the numbers below my second Heading 3 don't renumber. (I did
set "Restart Numbering After Level 1.") And when I go back to check
the settings, the dialog box now shows my Level 1 is linked to
ListNumber instead of Heading 3. I keep relinking it to Heading 3 and
when I go back to check, it's back to ListNumber. What am I doing


Word 2003. have been having some trouble with my particular copy of
Word--my Save As randomly stalls out--and I was going to get IT to
reinstall today. I didn't get a chance last night to try out the
numbering stuff on my copy of Word at home to see if it acted the
same. Do you think the problem could be a glitch in my copy of Word?

Stefan Blom

Note that reinstalling Word usually does *not* fix any issues, unless you
completely delete all files and registry entries of the previous
installation (which is an impossible task, I imagine, unless you format the
disk and reinstall Windows first). Instead, the following trouble-shooting
steps should be used:

As far as the numbering problem is concerned, it is crucial that you follow
the instructions at
http://www.shaunakelly.com/word/numbering/OutlineNumbering.html, associating
each numbering level with a unique paragraph style.



I think I may have found my misunderstanding. Can you clarify this for

I had previously made 6 Heading Styles and opened one outline
numbering list and linked each of those paragraph styles to the
appropriate numbering level (per ShaunaKelly).

Then I had another style called List Number (I started with the
builtin style)--this was for listing steps in a procedure. The steps
need to restart after each 3rd level heading. I had been leaving
ListNumber as a numbered list (not outline numbered). Then I decided I
wanted make the numbering automatically restart after a 3rd-level

So I modified my List Number by picking Outline Numbered instead of
Numbered and then I tried to link the Heading 3 to Level 1 and List
Number to Level 2. This does not seem to work.

So do I link my List Number to the next level in my heading list (i.e,
the 7th level)? Can I then make it restart after a Level 3 and not
after a Level 4, 5 or 6?


Stefan, Also, thanks for the "heads up" on the MVPS article on
troubleshooting Word. IT tried but did not solve my SaveAs problem (in
fact it saved-as fine when I took my computer to them but as soon as I
took it back to my workstation and hooked up to the network, the
SaveAs refused to work). I'll read thru the steps in the article and
see if I can solve the problem with MVPS help.

Stefan Blom

If a certain numbered item should restart after another numbered item, they
must both be part of the same outline-numbered list.

I haven't tested this thoroughly, but it is certainly possible to restart
(say) level 3 after level 1 rather than level 2: just choose the desired
restart level in the Customize Outline Numbered List dialog box.


Thanks for the clarification. That makes sense. I was stuck on the
idea of one list being for headings and another for numbered items--
and I since I hadn't totally figured out what headings I wanted I was
reluctant to stick a numbered list in there. But I can see why the
items must all be part of the same list. Thanks for all your help and
for your continued responses after your initial answer.

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