Outlook Connector - Contact Duplicates


J Austin

I have had a long-term problem with synchronization with three separate
machines using Outlook Connector (latest version). I have finally tracked it
down (I believe) to something that has not been visible (I've worked with
several Outlook support technicians and it has never been brought up). It
appears the Outlook keeps nicknames in a .nk2 file. These are not exported
to a contact .csv file. If I export, then delete all contacts, all machines,
plus the server show no contacts. When I import again (off line), the
nicknames are blank. When I go on-line the nicknames are filled in along
with multiple duplicates of my contacts. If I re-set my .nk2 file before
going on line, this does not happen. Has anyone had experience with this?
How can I re-set the .nk2 file (or equivalent) on the OC server? Obviously,
at least to me, just deleteing the contacts does not delete or reset the .nk2
file on my desktop and does not delete or reset the nickname file on the
server. I can tell for sure that nicknames (some created manually) are
available to my other machines through the OC server. Also, the duplicates
that are created in this scenario appear to be old versions of my contact
information (they are not exact duplicates). Where is that information
coming from? I can't find it on my machine. For my use of Outlook/Outlook
Connector this is a serious problem for quality control.

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