Password Protection of Document



I have designed a survey in Excel 2003. Once the survey is completed it is
sent by email via a submit button to selected recipients in our HR area.
Because staff change from time to time I need to keep going in and changing
the recipients. Because the surveys are staff-in-confidence, it was decided
at work to have the surveys sent to an email folder and I would see if we
could password protect the folder, I have since found out that I can’t
protect the created outlook folder. So...What I would like to know is, is it
possible to put a code in the survey so that when it reaches its destination
it can’t be opened without a password. The survey is on our intranet and is
accessed via a hyperlink in our HR web page. Would password protecting the
document with a code stop it from being opened on the intranet?


Luke M

You could possilbly set it up so that the user has to user a macro to save
the password to the folder, and include this snippet of coding (modifed

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\MyBook.xls", FileFormat:= _
xlNormal, Password:="YouPassword", WriteResPassword:="", _
ReadOnlyRecommended:= False, CreateBackup:=False

'This is the code to save a docuement and require a password to open.

Note that you would then want to password protect the VB! Note that while
these passwords are stronger than the normal sheet protection security (which
can be beat with a simple macro), they are not the best, and can be breached
by software available for purchase on the internet. So, if your survey
contains confidential info such as SSN, credit cards, etc., you may need to
look for something else. If you're looking for more of a deterrent, this
might suit your needs.

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