Photo not inserting into document


MOHS techie

Hiya all...quick question that I can't seem to figure out on my own. We use
Word to generate operative reports and insert jpeg photos of the patients
into the doc. We've been using Word 2003 for a while with no problem.
Recently, we purchased a new digital camera, a Nikon D80, which has a much
higher pixel count, therefore file size. We save files from the memory card
via an HP Photosmart printer to a local folder and then embed the pictures
from there. To insert the picture, we just click on the Insert photo from
file shortcut and are able to see all of the thumbnails of the pictures.
However, when the photo is inserted, all I see is a box with the "X".
Nothing was changed with the configuration. I've seen that some people have
suggested for similar problems that the field codes may need to be addressed,
but I don't think that's it. We can insert photos from the old camera with
no problem.
The REALLY confusing thing is this - if I open the jpeg in an editor and
save it with a new name, I can insert it into the doc. The file size hasn't
changed, so that's not it.
I'm at a loss but we really want to get this new camera going. It's a NICE
camera!! Thanks in advance for your help.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?TU9IUyB0ZWNoaWU=?=,

Sounds like this is a problem with the camera software: Word isn't
"understanding" the file format it creates (the file converter it uses to
import jpegs doesn't work with these jpegs). Try contacting Nikon and ask if
they have a software update that will create jpeg files that Word 2003 can
Hiya all...quick question that I can't seem to figure out on my own. We use
Word to generate operative reports and insert jpeg photos of the patients
into the doc. We've been using Word 2003 for a while with no problem.
Recently, we purchased a new digital camera, a Nikon D80, which has a much
higher pixel count, therefore file size. We save files from the memory card
via an HP Photosmart printer to a local folder and then embed the pictures
from there. To insert the picture, we just click on the Insert photo from
file shortcut and are able to see all of the thumbnails of the pictures.
However, when the photo is inserted, all I see is a box with the "X".
Nothing was changed with the configuration. I've seen that some people have
suggested for similar problems that the field codes may need to be addressed,
but I don't think that's it. We can insert photos from the old camera with
no problem.
The REALLY confusing thing is this - if I open the jpeg in an editor and
save it with a new name, I can insert it into the doc. The file size hasn't
changed, so that's not it.
I'm at a loss but we really want to get this new camera going. It's a NICE

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

MOHS techie

Cindy...thanks for the input! I don't thin that's it though. When I check
the properties of the new file as saved from the camera, they show as normal
jpegs. I've checked the settings on the camera and it's set to save as jpeg
as well.

I called Nikon and they said they haven't changed anything in the basic
operation of the camera from the D100 to the D80.

MOHS techie

I upgraded to Word 2003 and it seems to work - I don't know why that should
make a difference, but it does.


The problem isn't with the *camera*, it's with the JPEG format - Nikon may
not 'fess up, but there must have been a change of some sort. Bunches of
folks with Nikons purchased in the last several months are having the same
problem... And you found the solution - Open in a graphics app, save even if
you make no changes then insert with no problem.

However, you have confused me with your last post:

I upgraded to Word 2003 and it seems to work - I don't know why that should
make a difference, but it does.

In your op you wrote that you were using Word 2003 *already* - do you mean
you have recently _updated_ the Word/Office to the most current level? If
that eliminated the problem, perhaps the latest update incorporates a fix in
Word's JPEG filters. I'll have to check it out.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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