Play Music on Click



I have inserted the following code to allow visitors to have the option to
play music if they wish.
However, i brings up media player, which covers the whole page, to view the
page you have to minimis it to get rid of it and it remains playing when i
navigate away from my photo gallery page.

Is there a way to have a link to play music, which only plays while on that
page, & dosent bring up the media player programme.
I have tried this code, which works with problems above, also i have used a
normal hyperlink, both bring up the media player,

<a target="_blank"
href="">Click here
to play music</a>


Mike Koewler


I'm not sure you will have to worry too much - even on Broadband it's
going to take three minutes or longer to download.

You could consider using a slightly different way. Create a file called
music.m3u or something (just make sure it ends in .m3u or maybe .m4u)
Place one line of text:
substituting where appropriate. Then, use this as your hyperlink. When
clicked on, the visitor will still get a box asking what to do with it
but the music will start playing in just a couple of seconds.



I tried your suggestion, Many thanks for your reply, but it still brings up
Window Media Player.
Every way i have tried brings up the above.
No worries mate, it was just a nice to have anyway.


Try something like this, it should make the player invisible.

<a href="yourmusicfile.mid" width=â€2†heightâ€0â€>Play background music</a>

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