Preventing pasting except for Paste Values



Within this Discussion Group, I have searched for "restrict pasting" and
"prevent pasting", but I have been unable to find a thread that solves my

I have created a worksheet in which I have added conditional formatting and
validation rules to numerous cells. Most of my users typically copy data
from an Outlook e-mail message, a Word document, or a PowerPoint file and
paste it into my worksheet. When they do this, however, the conditional
formatting and validation rules get overwritten.

I reached out to this Discussion Group and asked if there was a way to
programmatically prevent users from overwriting the conditional formatting
and validation rules within the cells and, instead, only allow users to paste
the value of the copied data (similar to what can be done when you select
Paste Special | Values or Text).

Although I have received a couple of suggestions from other posters to this
Discussion Group, the suggestions have, unfortunately, not solved my problem
or simply did not work.

Since there does not appear to be a programmatic solution to my problem, I
would like to suggest enhancing the Data Validation feature whereby there
would be an additional checkbox (within the Data Validation dialog box) that
says, "Only permit pasting values" (or something similar along those lines).
By checking this new checkbox, any time a user attempted to paste something
in a cell that contains a validation rule, it would be as if he/she had gone
through the laborious steps of clicking the Paste Special button and then
selecting Values or Text. Furthermore, any existing conditional formatting
or validation rules in the cell would be preserved.

Thank you,

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.

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