Printi Only Highlighted Text



I would like to read/study a long document and highlight the important
text. And then would like to print only the highlighted text. Anyone know
how this could be done?


Hi Pete,

This can be done very easily. Simply highlight the first block of text
and then hold down your Ctrl key to highlight subsequent blocks of
text. When you are finished highlighting your text, simply click on
File | Print | Print What | Selection.

I hope this has been helpful to you.

Barry Schwarz

I would like to read/study a long document and highlight the important
text. And then would like to print only the highlighted text. Anyone know
how this could be done?
When I do a File->Print, one of the radio buttons on the resulting
display is "selection". Doesn't that work for you?

Remove del for email


Thanks for that tip but my document is 200 pages. I can't review it in one
sitting. The method below does not seem to work if you save the document and
selections in one sitting and go back to the document do more selections and
try to print previously saved selections.

I was using the 'highlight' function that puts a color over the text and
saving but still can't figure how I might do this, i.e. print 'highlighted'
text only.

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