problems of outlook


covaid hut

I am using outlook2003 and window vista

problem :

A friend has sent an email to me and attached a .tif file in it.
When i received the email, i cannot see any attachment.
I can only see a huge of strange digits (no image)in the mail.
So, i think the .tif file is embeded inside the email content.

some days later, he send me another email with an attachment of a txt file. There is no attachment still, and the email content become mess.

I have tried to received his mails on other PCs with outlook2003 + XP, it works fine. So, i am thinking that if there are any problems in the outlook setting of my pc(vista + outlook2003)

are there any method that can get back my .tif/.txt file?

Help~~/. \

Brian Tillman

covaid hut said:
A friend has sent an email to me and attached a .tif file in it.
When i received the email, i cannot see any attachment.
I can only see a huge of strange digits (no image)in the mail.
So, i think the .tif file is embeded inside the email content.

some days later, he send me another email with an attachment of a txt
file. There is no attachment still, and the email content become

Sounds like ill-formed MIME headers are confusing Outlook.
I have tried to received his mails on other PCs with outlook2003 +
XP, it works fine. So, i am thinking that if there are any problems
in the outlook setting of my pc(vista + outlook2003)

are there any method that can get back my .tif/.txt file?

You can save the encoded source of the message to a text file and use a tool
like UUDWin ( to decode it.

covaid hut

Brian, this software is very good.

But i think this is a temporarily solution becasuse it is very trouble that i have to translate every email attachments by using the software.


(Actually, it's my Boss's problem, i don't know whether he will think doing this is trouble. Or he may not consider this as a solution)

For me, i will definitely regard this as a solution.

Thank you for help.

Brian Tillman

covaid hut said:
Brian, this software is very good.

But i think this is a temporarily solution becasuse it is very
trouble that i have to translate every email attachments by using the

Is it your boss sending you the TIFF or him receiving the TIFF from someone
else? In other words, who is really the person with the problem? Your
original message said it was you. Your most recent reply indicates

covaid hut

OK, Let me clarify the whole thing.

My Boss cannot recevie email attachment(txt/tif) sent by our Unix system.
But I can receive the email with attachment(txt/tif) and I am using XP+outlook2003.
He can only recevies emails with a lot of strange digits which is possibly
the problem of decoding format("ill-formed MIME headers are confusing Outlook" you have told in the first reply).

Here is part of the header----

X-Zm-Content-Name: glrp32.txt
Content-Type: text/plain; name="glrp32.txt"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

The mail is using mime base64 to send out.
Do we have to use mime base64 to decode it?
I think my Boss's outlook is using the wrong decoding format, are there any methods to change the decoding format that using by outlook2003?

The above idea is just my guess,
hope u can give me more information or comment about this issue

Brian Tillman

covaid hut said:
X-Zm-Content-Name: glrp32.txt
Content-Type: text/plain; name="glrp32.txt"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

I would expect a TIFF file to have different MIME headers than that.

Outlook contains BASE64 decoding capability natively.

covaid hut

tif file and txt file has the same result~

i realized one thing is that outlook2003 somehow added an extra header at the bottom of my email like the following

From: <mailto:[email protected]>
To: <mailto:[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2007 16:25:43 +0800
Message-ID: <mailto:[email protected]>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook 11
X-Original-To: mailto:[email protected]
X-Virus-Scanned: amavisd-new at
Thread-Index: AcfYBEJ4N6liCpa9Rk+MjpdLdmSoSg==
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.0.6000.16386
X-IMAPbase: 1150070646 9288
X-UID: 9288

So , the mail is first encoded with base64 and then encoded again with 7bit, making the base64 encoded mail content to be the mail content.

Anyone knows why outlook2003 would do this strange action?

covaid hut

is this normal that outlook using the header at the bottom rather than that at the front part of the mail?

Brian Tillman

covaid hut said:
is this normal that outlook using the header at the bottom rather
than that at the front part of the mail?

Sorry, but I don't understand the question.

covaid hut

Sorry for my poor english~~

i finally find out that it is not a problem of extra header.

After receving so many un-decoded mail, i discovered that when the reciptient is "undisclosed-recipients:" and the mail has an attachment in it, it can not be decoded by outlook2003.

I have searched the solution for many days on web and found many other people has the same problem too. I discovered that their recipient is also"undisclosed-recipients:" and has their attachment in the mail. They are using vista + outlook2003 as well.
( the header caontains "To: undisclosed-recipients:;")

For me, undecoded mails are in outlook2003 + vista too.


Same problem here. Receive message to "undisclosed recipients" and it is
converted to plain text and all attachments (e.g. .doc format) is converted
to code.

Is there a cure?

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