Project Save stuck in the queue


Neil A


We occasionally have a problem with projects seeming to get stuck in the
queue, at about 96% or 98% complete. They may be in that state for hours,
while other projects are saving in minutes. This only happens some of the
time - the same project might save normally next time you try it. It does
seem to be larger projects that get the problem, otherwise it's hard to
discern any pattern.

Has anyone else had a similar experience, and any clue as to what Project
Server is doing?


Neil A


Often the job eventually succeeds. If it fails, the error message is
usually something like "project has no write lock".

Gary Chefetz


What patch level is your system. I've seen this happen with larger projects
on systems that do not have current patches.

Neil A


We have the Infrastructure Update installed, but have had difficulties with
getting SP2 installed. We'll wait and see if that fixes the problem.

Thanks for your help.

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