Project Server 2007, pending check-ins and Vista?



Hi all,

We have one user who has problems with his projects getting caught in a
"Pending check-in" state, nearly every time he closes a file. He happens to
be using Vista, along with Project Pro 2007, SP1, with the infrastructure
update installed.

I've noticed that the PROJ_PROP_AUTHOR stored in Project Server for his
files is <<Username>> or sometimes <<local computer name>>\<<Username>>
whereas everyone else's is <<domain name>>\<<Username>>.

Could these things be related somehow? Is the fact that he is using Vista
possibly causing a slightly different username to be stored in the
PROJ_PROP_AUTHOR field and thus causing check-in problems? I'm not sure if
the Vista thing is a red-herring or not....he's our only user on Vista and
he's also the only user having so many problems with check-in, but that could
be a coincidence.

Has anyone else noticed this behavior?


Gary L. Chefetz

To fix the first problem you probably need to delete the project cache.
Perform the following steps:

Click the Windows button
In the search box type: %appdata%
Navigate to microsoft/ms project
Delete the contents of this folder, not the folder

This will cause the cache to be rebuilt

Make sure the user is waiting for project operations to complete fully
before closing the application.

I'll need to do some research on the author property behavior which may or
may not be an issue.

Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
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Renee H

I think an important thing Gary left out (unusual) is that you are deleting
the contents of microsoft/ms project/cache not microsoft/ms project. I don't
think I am wrong on this but it is possible. I certainly do not have the
experience or knowledge that Gary has.

Renee H

I was worried that readers may follow your instructions to the letter (as
would I) and wind up deleting the "cache" and the "12" folders. I don't
really know if that would cause issues or not, but I didn't think that was
what you meant. Could be just me. If so, sorry for butting in.


Thank you all for your suggestions.

From speaking with my user base, it appears that people are now emptying
their cache every time they close MS Project Professional, to avoid these
check-in issues. They have made that a best practice amongst themselves.

Whatever works, I suppose!




I deleted the 2 folders called:

and they re-built automatically. What are the consequences of doing it this
way as opposed to deleting the contents of the folders as you suggested.


Indded you did, my apologies, I read too fast. Question: wasn't IU supposed
to prevent the check in pending problem? We still get it a lot after IU/Oct
CU. Users are following best practice instructions. I'm hoping that
deleting the folders will stop the problem once and for all - am I being too

Gary L. Chefetz

Deleting the folders is a temporary fix, but a good one! Make sure that
your users are not closing their projects using the X box in upper right
hand corner of the screen and make sure that they use File > Close, to close
the file and File > Exit to close the application only after verifying that
all saving and publishing activities have been completed. This should reduce
the occurrences to a very minimal level.

Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
Project Server Consulting:
Project Server Training:
Project Server FAQS:
Project Server Help Blog:

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