Publisher text wrapping no longer works.



I used to have no problem putting pictures in my document and could have the
text wrap around it. Now no matter what I do the text will not wrap...the
picture just sits on top. Can you help?

Mary Sauer

Do you have a border around the publication? If you do send it to the back and
try the wrap again.


Thanks Mary. I discovered if I save the picture as a bitmp and not jpeg then
it would wrap again!


Mary, I do not have a border set around my JPEG images. Another poster said
that images must be bitmap in order for Pub 07 tight wrap to work. Has this
been your experience also? I never had this issue with previous versions.
Thanks, Ed

Mary Sauer

Publisher will wrap any image, .wmf, emf, .jpg, png, and a host of others. Just
be certain your image is in front of the text box. If you are having problems
with the wrap, drag the picture to the scratch area, right-click the text box,
send to the back, drag the picture back.

When I suggested a border, I meant around the entire publication.

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