Put footnotes in main document



I have a document with automatically numbered footnotes at the bottom of each
page. What I would like to do is to move the text of the footnote so that in
the main document where the footnote number appears in superscript, there is
instead an entry in curly brackets with the footnote number - fixed rather
than automatic - followed by the text of the footnote. So if footnote 1
appeared in the main text half way through the second sentence, and the body
of the footnote at the bottom of the page read "See p.22", then my document
would say "First sentence. Second {fn 1. See p.22} sentence. Third sentence."
Is this possible?

Stefan Blom

Try the following macros. The first macro inserts the footnote number and
text after the footnote reference in the document:

Sub InsertFootnoteTextInBody()
Dim f As Footnote
For Each f In ActiveDocument.Footnotes
Set r = f.Reference
r.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
r.InsertAfter "{fn " & f.Index & ". " & f.Range.Text & "}"

Next f

End Sub

This second macro removes the actual footnotes:

Sub DeleteAllFootnotes()
Dim f As Footnote
For Each f In ActiveDocument.Footnotes


Next f
End Sub


Thank you Stefan, your macros have worked brilliantly, and this has saved me
a great deal of time and effort.

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