Query for Single Field Value Where Another Field is at it's Max



I have a table called tblCompletedMessages which gets updated information
constantly from my department. A new row with the latest information is added
every few minutes. I would like to be able to query the value of a field
called "PctOfStd" where the time field "TimeCompleted" is at it's maximum for
a given date (the date is selected from a calendar control on a form) so that
I will have the most recent PctOfStd for the date. I thought this would be
pretty easy, but I can't get it to work. Any input would be appreciated.


Allen Browne

Not sure what context you are wanting this.

DLookup() can get a record, but not the last one. There's an extended
replacement name ELookup() here:
Use it like this:
=ELookup("PctOfStd", "tblCompletedMessages", , "TimeCompleted DESC")

If you are seeking to do this for multiple related records in the context of
a query, a subquery would be more efficient. For an introduction to


I was able to figure it out using subqueries with the info from your website.

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