REPOST: Frontpage opens to Word




I posted this last week and got no reply. Thought I'd try again...
Here's my original post:

I have some work I am doing were I am expected to edit some htm files
on a website that has very rudimentary editing tools. (A teaching tool,
called WebCT.) What I like to do is copy the html code from WebCT's
editing tool and paste it into a new Frontpage file, make my edits
there and then copy the code back to the file in WebCT where I can then
save my changes. It works very nicely and I can circumvent the awkward
tools that the WebCT offers this way but still get my work done. This
all works great and I have been using this technique successfully for
some time now.

However, I've recently encountered a new "glitch" in my process.
Sometimes I'll want to save my work in mid-process and come back to it
the next day before I'm ready to save back to the website. But when I
open some htm files in Frontpage it pops them into Word, taking me out
of Frontpage altogether. My co-worker thinks that some of these pages
we are editing must have originally been written in Word and that on
some level not even visible in the html code that is hard coded.

I can work around this by saving back to the website and retrieving it
again the next day so that I can continue my task, but I was wondering
if anyone knows what would make Frontpage open a file that has an htm
extension into Word?


Hi I don't know if this is going to help you or not .. Open IE as you
normally would and go to TOOLS - INTERNET OPTIONS - click on the
PROGRAMS TAB and make sure FRONTPAGE is listed in the HTML Editor Box
If not change it to Frontpage that should work. That should cause
Frontpage to open everytime you want to edit an html page. Good Luck!!


Good idea, but that is already the setting. It only happens
sporadically, so I think my co-worker is correct. There must be some
code embedded in the file that I cannot see that is telling Frontpage
that this is a Word document...


I assume that you are double-clicking the htm file while in frontpage.
Right-click on the htm file you want to edit (you should also see a ms-word
icon to the left of the filename in the FP folder list) and select "open
with" on the menu and open with Frontpage and when you save the file after
making edits it will then be associated with FP again. I hope this is what
you were looking for.


Hi Tom-

Thanks for this reply. I actually have already tried what you suggest.
What happens is that Frontpage still shifts the file over to Word as it
opens. So, what I'm trying to figure out is, what in the html file is
"talking" to Frontpage and telling it that it must be edited in Word?
I have already finished the job in question, but for the future, I'd be
curious to know...

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