resource and gantt views



wasn't sure if someone had figured a solution yet, but posting a question
submitted in July from someone else. I am looking for the same solution, or
rather the boss is.


In the Resource Usage view, Is there a way of showing the Gantt Bars
for each task that each Resource is working on. I cannot get the Gantt
bars to show up in this type of view. I'll try to demonstrate:

Resource 1
Task 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Task 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx
Task 3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Resource 2
Task 16 xxxxxxxxxxxx
Task 5 xxx xxxx
Task 44 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

where 'xxxxx' is the project timeline for each task.

Thanks in advance.


Brad said:
wasn't sure if someone had figured a solution yet, but posting a question
submitted in July from someone else. I am looking for the same solution, or
rather the boss is.


In the Resource Usage view, Is there a way of showing the Gantt Bars
for each task that each Resource is working on. I cannot get the Gantt
bars to show up in this type of view. I'll try to demonstrate:

Resource 1
Task 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Task 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx
Task 3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Resource 2
Task 16 xxxxxxxxxxxx
Task 5 xxx xxxx
Task 44 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

where 'xxxxx' is the project timeline for each task.

Thanks in advance.

Gantt bars cannot be shown in either usage (Resource or Task) view,
however, you can do a split screen (Resource Usage on top and Gantt
Chart on the bottom) to show what you want.

Project MVP


That is what I thought. I found the resource allocation view, but the boss
wants to see the bottom right of that screen to match up with the top left
screen. I have found something close in sorting the gantt chart by resource
name, but if more than one person is working on a project.....well it makes
things a mess.....and the boss wont like it. Let me know if you can think of
any other way to use this program to show a graphic of who is working on what
and what the time frame is.


You could do this in Excel by exporting the timescaled data to a
spreadsheet and then colouring those cells that had data in them but it
seems rather pointless.

You already have what you want in the Resource Usage view in that the
numbers indicate when somebody is working. Your description doesn't
include anything to show the level of effort so your boss just wants
colours? Can't you educate the boss (or give the boss an etch-a-sketch).


Brad said:
That is what I thought. I found the resource allocation view, but the boss
wants to see the bottom right of that screen to match up with the top left
screen. I have found something close in sorting the gantt chart by resource
name, but if more than one person is working on a project.....well it makes
things a mess.....and the boss wont like it. Let me know if you can think of
any other way to use this program to show a graphic of who is working on what
and what the time frame is.

Bosses can be pretty fussy some times, can't they. Unfortunately, you
can't get there from here using Project. There may be some third party
applications that can get closer to what you want but the only one I
know of is Milestones by Kisada and I don't think it will do what your
boss wants either.

If no one else chimes in with a suggestion of a third party application
and your boss is insistent on getting the display he wants, there is
always VBA. A VBA macro could export the necessary Project data to a
more graphics friendly application. It will cost you something to have
someone develop the code, but it can be done.

Project MVP



Did anyone get to the bottom of this? I have seen an image of this exactly
as you describe but I have been trying to replicate this in Project to no
avail. The closest I have got is a view of the resources using a custom group
and this is by resource name but even this is not perfect (because I cannot
see ALL tasks for a resource together because it is like this:

Resource 1
Task 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Task 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx
Task 3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Resource 2
Task 16 xxxxxxxxxxxx
Task 5 xxx xxxx
Task 44 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Resource 1, Resource 2
Task 8 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Task 9

Which isn't perfect, like I said I HAVE seen this but I cannot get the right
answer just yet.


Thanks for the quick reply Jan, that is what I did to get the below items :)

What I want is for the items that I can currently get to, which is:

Resource 1
Task 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Task 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx
Task 3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Resource 2
Task 16 xxxxxxxxxxxx
Task 5 xxx xxxx
Task 44 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Resource 1, Resource 2
Task 8 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Task 9 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

To be displayed as:

Resource 1
Task 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Task 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx
Task 3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Task 8 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Task 9 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Resource 2
Task 16 xxxxxxxxxxxx
Task 5 xxx xxxx
Task 44 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Task 8 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Task 9 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

This will allow me to hand out lists of tasks to the team members (I am 90%
of the way there, I just need the final bit.

Any ideas or is that confirmed item as good as it gets, because I have seen
the image of the tasks shown in teh form above but I can only get it to the
group level.



Hello shedseven,

No, sorry. To the best of my knowledge, Project does not have the
capacity to draw such a Resource Gantt chart. If a task has multiple
resource assigned it will show the task as you note, with Resource1,
Resource 2.

Have you considered using the left side of the Resource Usage view?
You can add Start and Finish to the Usage table and just print the
left side of the view. No pretty Gantt bars though.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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about Microsoft Project



Did anyone get to the bottom of this? I have seen an image of this exactly
as you describe but I have been trying to replicate this in Project to no
avail. The closest I have got is a view of the resources using a custom group
and this is by resource name but even this is not perfect (because I cannot
see ALL tasks for a resource together because it is like this:

Resource 1
Task 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Task 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx
Task 3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Resource 2
Task 16 xxxxxxxxxxxx
Task 5 xxx xxxx
Task 44 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Resource 1, Resource 2
Task 8 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Task 9

Which isn't perfect, like I said I HAVE seen this but I cannot get the right
answer just yet.

With some effort, this could be created in XL.


Don't suppose this has changed in the two years since this was last
discussed? Not even sure if the discussion revolved around MSP2007 or
MSP2003. Regardless, I'm seeing the same restrictions in MSP2007. :(

The reason I'd like to see the gantt next to the resource usage table is
that we want each individual resource to see where we have their work
scheduled rather than seeing it for the task as a whole (for all assigned
resources), but not to be providing explicit hours and dates that might
distract them from an appropriate work path (MSP sches are, after all,
estimates of reality in our business).

Rod Gill

The Team Planner View in Project Professional 2010 may well fill this need
for you.


Rod Gill
Microsoft MVP for Project -

Author of the only book on Project VBA, see:

Stu@Grey said:
Don't suppose this has changed in the two years since this was last
discussed? Not even sure if the discussion revolved around MSP2007 or
MSP2003. Regardless, I'm seeing the same restrictions in MSP2007. :(

The reason I'd like to see the gantt next to the resource usage table is
that we want each individual resource to see where we have their work
scheduled rather than seeing it for the task as a whole (for all assigned
resources), but not to be providing explicit hours and dates that might
distract them from an appropriate work path (MSP sches are, after all,
estimates of reality in our business).

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