Return one row result from two tables with one to many



I have two tables one is a family table and the other is table1. The family
table list the primary key FamID, Guardian name and address information.
Table1 list the student id, name and FamID. How can I return a single row
with the family table info and all the students linked to that family id so
that I can export it?
the result that I'm looking for in one row would be something like the
FamID, GuardLast, GuardFirst, Address, Apt#, City, st, Zip,
I did a left join but I'm getting several rows for a family with multiple
Here is what I tried that gave me several rows:

SELECT Table1.FamID, Family.GuardLast, Family.GuardFirst, Family.Address,
Family.[Apt#], Family.City,, Family.Zip, Table1.StdID,
Table1.StdLast, Table1.StdFirst
FROM Table1 LEFT JOIN Family ON Table1.FamID = Family.FamID;

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