RGB Values of Word Color Pallette



Can anyone share the RGB values of the standard Word (Powerpoint, Excel,
etc.) color pallette? I keep reading about the pallettes being RGB but I
can't find their values anywhere. Maybe I've just not dug deep enough.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi C.B.,

You didn't mention the version of Office you're using. The 2007 version has sort of a twist on what 'standard' can be <g>.

The original 16 choices, shown in the 'Highlighter' tool (top to bottom, left to right) are

RGB Hex RGB Decimal Color Names
======== =========== ============
n/a n/a None

#FFFF00 255/255/000 Yellow*
#FF0000 255/000/000 Red*
#8B0000 139/000/000 Dark Red*

#00FF00 000/255/000 Bright Green(Lime)*
#00008B 000/000/139 Dark Blue(Navy)*
#808000 128/128/000 Dark Yellow(Olive)*

#00FFFF 000/255/255 Turquoise(Aqua)*
#008080 000/128/128 Teal*
808080 128/128/128 Gray-50%(Gray)*

#FF00FF 255/000/255 Pink(Fuschia)*
#008000 000/128/000 Green*
#C0C0C0 192/192/192 Gray-25%(Silver)*

#0000FF 000/000/255 Blue*
#800080 128/000/128 Violet(Purple)*
#FFFFFF 255/255/255 Black

The 40 choices in the Font, line and fill color dialogs are (top to bottom left to right in the dialog) listed below. Where a color name appears in parentheses it is a web color name (not always the same as the Word tooltip color name. Word uses those parenthetical names internally in it's web page work for compatibility, as well as the asterisked standard names.

RGB Hex RGB Decimal Color Names
======== =========== ============
#FFFFFF 255/255/255 Black
#800000 128/000/000 Red(Maroon)*
#8B0000 139/000/000 Dark Red*
#FF0000 255/000/000 Red*
#FF00FF 255/000/255 Pink(Fuschia)*
#FF99CC 255/153/204 Rose

#993300 153/051/000 Brown
#FF6600 255/102/000 Orange
#FF9900 255/153/000 Light Orange
#FFCC00 255/205/000 Gold
#FFCC99 255/204/153 Tan

#333300 051/051/000 Olive Green
#808000 128/128/000 Dark Yellow(Olive)*
#99CC00 153/204/000 Lime
#FFFF00 255/255/000 Yellow*
#FFFF99 255/255/153 Light Yellow

#003300 000/051/000 Dark Green
#008000 000/128/000 Green*
#339966 051/153/102 Sea Green
#00FF00 000/255/000 Bright Green(Lime)*
#CCFFCC 204/255/204 Light Green

#003366 000/051/102 Dark Teal
#008080 000/128/128 Teal*
#33CCCC 051/204/051 Aqua
#00FFFF 000/255/255 Turquoise(Aqua)*
#CCFFFF 204/255/255 Light Turquoise

#00008B 000/000/139 Dark Blue(Navy)*
#0000FF 000/000/255 Blue*
#3366FF 051/102/255 Light Blue
#00CCFF 000/204/255 Sky Blue
#99CCFF 153/204/255 Pale Blue

#333399 051/051/153 Indigo
#666699 102/102/153 Blue-Gray
#800080 128/000/128 Violet(Purple)*
#993366 153/051/102 Plum
#CC99FF 204/153/255 Lavender

#333333 051/051/051 Gray-80%
#808080 128/128/128 Gray-50%(Gray)*
#999999 153/153/153 Gray-40%
#C0C0C0 192/192/192 Gray-25%(Silver)*
#000000 000/000/000 White*

Can anyone share the RGB values of the standard Word (Powerpoint, Excel,
etc.) color pallette? I keep reading about the pallettes being RGB but I
can't find their values anywhere. Maybe I've just not dug deep enough.>>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*


Bob (or anyone else),

Do you know where I could find the hex & RGB values for the gray scale fills
found in the paint bucket palette? There're around 23 of them.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi C.B.,

You still haven't mentioned the Word version you're using. These are from the pre 2007 color picker choices. There are 256 grayscale shades.

If you're referring to the items that are 'set apart' hexagon grey selections in the 'More Colors', there are 16 'presets', listed here
from lightest to darkest (Note that Word generally counts the values as rounded to the nearest 5%.

Hex RGB Decimal RGB Shading/Name
#FFFFFF 255/255/255 Gray-00%(White)
#F8F8F8 248/248/248 Gray-03%
#EAEAEA 234/234/234 Gray-08%
#DDDDDD 221/221/221 Gray-13%
#C0C0C0 192/192/192 Gray-25%(Silver)
#B2B2B2 178/178/178 Gray-30%
#969696 150/150/150 Gray-41%
#808080 128/128/128 Gray-50%(Gray)
#777777 119/119/119 Gray-53%
#5F5F5F 095/095/095 Gray-63%
#333333 051/051/051 Gray-80%
#292929 041/041/041 Gray-84%
#1C1C1C 028/028/028 Gray-89%
#111111 017/017/017 Gray-93%
#080808 008/008/008 Gray-97%
#000000 000/000/000 Gray100%(Black)

Bob (or anyone else),

Do you know where I could find the hex & RGB values for the gray scale fills
found in the paint bucket palette? There're around 23 of them. >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*


Sorry, it's 2003. Our company hasn't upgraded to 2007 yet. They were going to
but cancelled the initiative as cost savings. With 50,000+ employees you can
imagine the costs. Anyway, thanks once again for the input.


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