RSS Feeds into OneNote



OneNote is my "home" software application - the one I run all day and
constantly use for making Notes and for reference. I also use a RSS
aggregator (FeedDemon) where I occasionally check out the latest news.

It would be great to set-up a page in OneNote which was in effect one
or more RSS feeds, constantly updating during the day. Perhaps just
keeping the last 10 articles from a feed. This would be great for
checking certain feeds where I often find interesting articles where I
have to cut and paste the URL and/or do a screen clip back into

I'm sure there is plenty of scope around this idea, but I've summarised
the general approach.


Kathy J

I know that Omar Shahine was working on a utility to let you do this, but I
can't find any updates on availability, etc. Maybe he'll pop in and tell us
how to get it.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-Author of Power OneNote: Unleashing the Power of OneNote from Holy Macro!
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

OneNote is my "home" software application - the one I run all day and
constantly use for making Notes and for reference. I also use a RSS
aggregator (FeedDemon) where I occasionally check out the latest news.

It would be great to set-up a page in OneNote which was in effect one
or more RSS feeds, constantly updating during the day. Perhaps just
keeping the last 10 articles from a feed. This would be great for
checking certain feeds where I often find interesting articles where I
have to cut and paste the URL and/or do a screen clip back into

I'm sure there is plenty of scope around this idea, but I've summarised
the general approach.


Use RSS Bandit. It uses the Internet Explorer rendering engine and has
the advantage that if you drag text/images to OneNote that it
automatically adds the source URL to the OneNote paste.

That doesn't give you an RSS aggregator inside OneNote but it's
probably the most convenient way of storing RSS items that you thought
worth keeping.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

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