Security warning on opening Database



I developed an Access data base with forms which uses buttons and macros and
reports on my PC for a friend who has limited experienced. We both have MS
Office and are using Win XP. I forwarded the data base on a disk and she
successfully copied it as one of her Access data base files. This is the
very first data base she has used on her new system. She gets a security
warning upon opening her data base as follows:

" Security Warning: Unsafe expressions are not blocked. To block unsafe
expressions, MS Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8 or later must be installed. To get the
latest version...

'C:\Documents and Settings\Judy\My Documents\...may not be safe to open. Do
you want to open this file?

in a box "Hide Help" in a box "Open in Help Window"

in a large box : MS Jet....must be installed to block unsafe expressions
without affecting common functionality. Available....

She gets around this by clicking on yes? And then everything works fine!

What should we do to eliminate all these security warnings. I do know that
what I sent her is clean. I don't know what MS Jet is. She has Norton
Antivirus on her system, but don't think Norton is doing this to us???
Any help would be appreciated, thanks,

Jeff Conrad

in message:
I developed an Access data base with forms which uses buttons and macros and
reports on my PC for a friend who has limited experienced. We both have MS
Office and are using Win XP. I forwarded the data base on a disk and she
successfully copied it as one of her Access data base files. This is the
very first data base she has used on her new system. She gets a security
warning upon opening her data base as follows:

" Security Warning: Unsafe expressions are not blocked. To block unsafe
expressions, MS Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8 or later must be installed. To get the
latest version...

'C:\Documents and Settings\Judy\My Documents\...may not be safe to open. Do
you want to open this file?

in a box "Hide Help" in a box "Open in Help Window"

in a large box : MS Jet....must be installed to block unsafe expressions
without affecting common functionality. Available....

She gets around this by clicking on yes? And then everything works fine!

What should we do to eliminate all these security warnings. I do know that
what I sent her is clean. I don't know what MS Jet is. She has Norton
Antivirus on her system, but don't think Norton is doing this to us???
Any help would be appreciated, thanks,

Hi Tom,

Here is some info on this subject:
(Watch out for any possible line wrapping on these links)

You can to go Tools, Macro, Security and set it to low.
If the security item isn't on that menu, you may need to reset your menubar. See:;en-us;833219&Product=acc2003

You can also manually add the following Registry keys:
Set registry as follows:

ROOT:Local Machine
Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines

ROOT:Local Machine
Key: Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Access\Security

If these are just for your use, you can create a self cert on your computer
and digitally sign your databases. More info at:

Other link to see:

Frequently asked questions about Access security warnings:

More info here:
How to configure Jet 4.0 to prevent unsafe functions from running in Access 2003

Still more info here:

Another link on the subject:

An online course

And a very interesting work-around presented by TC
(Will not work with a secured database though as posted):IMO the best way is to start the database via a script file which sets
the macro security level to low for that single invocation of Access.
This does not require a certificate, or a registry change, and it does
not affect any other database(s) - just the one being started by that

Eg. in VBScript:

dim o
set o=createobject ("Access.Application")
o.automationsecurity=1 ' set macro security LOW.
o.opencurrentdatabase "full path to your database"
set o=nothing


Jeff Conrad said:
in message:

Hi Tom,

Here is some info on this subject:
(Watch out for any possible line wrapping on these links)

You can to go Tools, Macro, Security and set it to low.
If the security item isn't on that menu, you may need to reset your menubar. See:;en-us;833219&Product=acc2003

You can also manually add the following Registry keys:
Set registry as follows:

ROOT:Local Machine
Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines

ROOT:Local Machine
Key: Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Access\Security

If these are just for your use, you can create a self cert on your computer
and digitally sign your databases. More info at:

Other link to see:

Frequently asked questions about Access security warnings:

More info here:
How to configure Jet 4.0 to prevent unsafe functions from running in Access 2003

Still more info here:

Another link on the subject:

An online course

And a very interesting work-around presented by TC
(Will not work with a secured database though as posted):
IMO the best way is to start the database via a script file which sets
the macro security level to low for that single invocation of Access.
This does not require a certificate, or a registry change, and it does
not affect any other database(s) - just the one being started by that

Eg. in VBScript:

dim o
set o=createobject ("Access.Application")
o.automationsecurity=1 ' set macro security LOW.
o.opencurrentdatabase "full path to your database"
set o=nothing


Jeff Conrad said:
in message:

You're welcome Tom, glad I could help.

I used your vb script and it worked fine on my computers with Access 2003
installed. But on the machiines with only the run time it didn't. It errors
out on the
line that creates the object "Access.Application". I looked in the registry
and tried changing it to "Access.Application.11" an a few other names, no

Any Ideas.


Jeff Conrad

in message:
I used your vb script and it worked fine on my computers with Access 2003
installed. But on the machines with only the run time it didn't. It errors
out on the
line that creates the object "Access.Application". I looked in the registry
and tried changing it to "Access.Application.11" an a few other names, no

Any Ideas.

Hi Clem,

Actually that VBScript has been posted by TC many times in the past.
It is not my code per se, I have just included that code on my site.
The code does work, as you have observed, with Access 2003, but
it will not with a secured Access database. TC has been able to make
a work-around for that, but he has not posted a solution in the NGs.

I have not personally tested this on a 2003 runtime-only setup, but
TC may have some information on this. He frequents the Access security
NG so I would try posting a question to that group with his name included
in the subject line so he will see it. I will also watch for that thread and
see what he has to say on the subject.

Good luck,



I have the same problem as you with that particular vbscript not working for
Access 2003 Runitme. Did you solve this problem?


Ben Watts

Where do I put that VB in at? Kinda new at all this but that code is exactly
what I need, just dont know where to put it?

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