sent/receive dates swapped on imported mail



i'm moving mail between identities in Entourage 2004, and when imporrting
messages to my new mail box, the received date becomes the sent date, and the
sent date becomes today (i.e. the time of importing). since i often sort
mail by received date, it's a massive inconvenience to have these two
swapped, and it creates a discontinuity with the mail i've been recieving,
which is still stamped by received date.

does anyone have an idea about how i could a) preserve the received date
through the export and import process (i've tried exporting to .rge file and
dragging to desktop) or b) swapping the two timestamps so that the right date
is in Recieved for all mails...

many thanks for any help in the matter!

Barry Wainwright [MVP]

When you import, the 'received' date is the date of the import - that's when
this particular database received that message. That's as intended, but can
be inconvenient.

In the 'old style' folder listing, where the columns go right across the
page (preview pane 'none' or 'below') it is easy enough to set the columns
to display only the sent date and have accurate dates showing. In the
'preview pane on right' view, this can't be done (except in 'sent mail'

Try running this script, which _should_ setthe received date to the date of
the first 'received' header in the email, which is about as close as
possible to the time the message was originally received by you)

-- Correct the date v1.0 25th June 2002
-- a script for Microsoft Entourage by Barry Wainwright
-- Resets the date of messages to the date of the first received header
-- useful for messages with badly formatted (or just plain wrong) dates
-- This script released under a Creative Commons Attribution, NonCommercial,
ShareAlike 2.0 England & Wales License.
-- see <> for full

tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
set theMessages to current messages
if theMessages is {} then
display dialog "No messages selected!" buttons {"Stop"} default
button 1 with icon stop
return -99
end if

repeat with theMess in theMessages
set theHeaders to the headers of theMess
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {return & space}
set theHeaders to text items of theHeaders
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {space}
set theHeaders to theHeaders as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {return & tab}
set theHeaders to text items of theHeaders
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {space}
set theHeaders to theHeaders as string
set theHeaders to the paragraphs of theHeaders
set receivedHeader to ""
repeat with aHeader in theHeaders
if aHeader starts with "Received:" then copy contents of aHeader
to receivedHeader
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {";"}
set theDate to (last text item of receivedHeader)
set time received of theMess to date theDate
end repeat
end tell

Save the script as a compiled script & put it in the ŒEntourage Script Menu
Items¹ folder in your ŒMicrosoft User Data¹ folder. The script can be
manually run from the menu or called as an action in a mail rule.

Microsoft MVP (see for details)
Visit the Entourage User's Weblog for hints tips & troubleshooting for
Microsoft entourage:

From: shambolic <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2007 05:24:00 -0700
Subject: sent/receive dates swapped on imported mail
i'm moving mail between identities in Entourage 2004, and when imporrting
messages to my new mail box, the received date becomes the sent date, and
sent date becomes today (i.e. the time of importing). since i often sort
mail by received date, it's a massive inconvenience to have these two
swapped, and it creates a discontinuity with the mail i've been recieving,
which is still stamped by received date.

does anyone have an idea about how i could a) preserve the received date
through the export and import process (i've tried exporting to .rge file and
dragging to desktop) or b) swapping the two timestamps so that the right
is in Recieved for all mails...

many thanks for any help in the matter!


thanks very much Barry.
i got the script to compile but have found it fails quite frequently on
invalid date i guess, with an archive of 7000+ mails i could be at
it a long time, and still won't have a completely 'clean' database (i take
it you can't manually set the received header...?)

i suppose 'll just have to live with two date columns for sorting.

grateful for any other suggestions, otherwise, thanks again!

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