Shapesheet : Insert a row after ?



I use Visio 2007 Pro.
In a shapesheet, Shape Data section, I want "Insert a row after", in order
to intersperse between existing lines and avoid creating at the end of my
Unfortunately, in the shortcut menu, this option is grayed out and therefore

What should I do to make it available ?

In addition, do you know a way to re-order the rows easily in a shapesheet ?
I've heard of xml-row-reordering tool (made by Graham Wideman), but this
seems to be done to Visio 2003

Thank you for your help.


I suspect the reason it is greyed out is that Visio doesn't reorder the
rows, it inserts at the end, that's why Graham wrote code to do it outside
of Visio. I'm not sure if Paul Herber's utilities can handle that, but you
might check.


David Parker (in his book on Visio data) wrote a routine to copy custom
properties between shapes. Given that as a source, and a simple erase shape
data routine, it should be relatively easy to write some code to
a.) get the shape data,
b.) erase existing data
c.) rewrite shape data sorted to your wishes



Hi al,
This is it !
What I was looking for is : celMaker ! made by David Parker (Thanks to him)
and available on the web site

Thank you for your clue :)


Hi David and thank you,
celMaker does exactly what I want.
Just a little note, in my datasheet I have formulas in the "Invisible"
fields, in the "Shape Data" section. When I export Visio to Excel, these
formulas are well copied in Excel. However, when I import from Excel to
Visio, I must make the imporation 2 times so that formulas copy correctly.
This is not embarrassing, you just have to know it ;-)
I think it's because of the conditions of the formulas.


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