sharing calendar options



I have seen several posts, and understand I have several options wrt sharing
calendar with my colleauges (all of us are on '07). As I understand it, I
have the following options:

1) free/busy publishing - requires us to have a site to which to post (plz
confirm there is no publicly available MS site for this); allows visibility
of private and non-private events, but only as a block of time; does not
allow for calendar overlay function to be able to see colleagues times
overlayed on my calendar view (plz confirm)
2) publishing calendar to internet - know that it gives levels of sharing
(full, available, etc.), but not clear where this resides. Is this
public/free internet site? Also unclear as to how much I can limit access,
although it seems it's a matter of anyone to whose address I give share
permission (whether same domain or not)
3) Sending via email - gives a snapshot one time, with same potential for
showing/hiding as publishing to internet
4) "share calendar" - not sure how this differs from others

If anyone can check my comprehension, would be appreciated. Basically, I
think what we need in an ideal world is to be able to see each other's blocks
of time, and not have to rely on having our own site to do this (our hosting
provider is only currently investigating allowing for this functionality on
our server space).

Any help is appreciated.

Diane Poremsky

1. Free/Busy can be on a local computer everyone has permission to access.
There is no public site. You will only see free/busy when you check it while
creating meetings.

2. You can use the Microsoft site or publish it to a local iis server on
your network. Subscriptions will update hourly.

3. You can send calendars by email - they are like #2 but won't update.

4. Unless you use Exchange server, you'll need to use a 3rd party
application to share -

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