Side Note Page Titles & Default List Spacing



I just found this forum and have learned an awful lot of new stuff
just by looking around. I have 2 questions I'm hoping someone can

1. When opening a Side Note, is there a way to have the page title and
date/time automatically inserted? I know that the date/time is
captured because I can select Format => Show Page Title and the title
bar and date/time appear. Normal notes automatically add the page
title and date/time. It's just the Side Notes that don't

2. I often copy text from web pages and ON buts all the paragraphs
against one another making it difficult too read. I've figured out
that if I Select All, then go to Format => Lists and increase the
Vertical Spacing: "Between list items", the paragraphs separate and
become more readable. Is there a way to set the default vertical
spacing for lists so that I don't have to do this every time? BTW, an
ancillary question is: why does the vertical spacing for lists effect
the paragraph spacing?

Josh Einstein

2) Cool! I didn't know that. I struggle with this too. The reason list
separation probably affects paragraphs is because I think everything in
OneNote is treated as an outline. At least that's how it appears when
exported as XML via the API.

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