SNP to PDF to Fax



sorry for being a little OT, but Lebans site suggests to ask into that

1- I'm using solution to transform snapshots into PDFs
(ReportToPDF), and it works well.

2- Then I'm taking the resultant output as an email attachment. This is
fine, too.

3- I can send faxes from emails through Hylafax, with a few kinds of
attachment types, PDF included. Hylafax converts PDFs into postscripts
and then into faxes using Ghostscript.

The problem is that when I attach a landscape PDF generated with
ReportToPDF, Ghostscript is not able to understand the right paper
orientation. If I attach a PDF created via another software, e.g.
PDF995, Ghostscript works well.

I checked the final .ps file ready to be sent as a fax, and noticed that
while the one created from a PDF995's PDF has the "%%Orientation:
Landscape" tag for each page, the other one created from ReportToPDF has
only the "%%Orientation: Portrait" tag for the very first page only, and
says nothing about the other pages.

I'm asking the Lebans users whether there is a solution to force
ReportToPDF to specify the page orientation in the resultant PDF.

Thank you very much,

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