Software Malfunction



When someone knows that her software is not functioning correctly, there
should be an option in contacting support where the person does not have to
pay to get her question answered. Microsoft could keep a database that
included problem areas that are showing up in the new software. Then, tell
people that that area is being revamped or, "We're having no reports of that
malfunction; please uninstall and reinstall your 2007 Office Program and
contact us using this support # __________ if that does not resolve your
problem." This could be done without the use of humans (until the person
took whatever action requested).

ONE OF MS OFFICE SOFTWARE MALFUNCTION. Also, no consideration is given to
disabled folk who might have difficulty comprehending the written word (e.g.,
I have little difficulty writing my thoughts, but reading is very difficult
and so trying to decipher the questions and answers of other users is
incredibly difficult).

Here's what is happening in my situation:

I have an 18 question survey and want to put the results into excel so the
spreadsheet can do the math and provide a printable report.

I've created the dummy table I want to use with out of the formating needed
and simply need to copy it 17 times (two each page).

When I use the copy function and attempt to copy one page (two dummy
tables), the basic formatting copies.

However, the column widths do not copy AND the formatting having to do with
whether the cell is a number or a percentage does not copy. (So, the
formulas, color fill, grid lines, words--they all copy.)

When i check under paste and special, I note that "all" is checked. Even if
I try to copy columns on their own. This does not work.

So it appears that my "ALL" function does not work for certain elements.

I've checked for updates--I don't need any (and I'm on automatic anyway).

Is anyone else having these problems?

Do I need to uninstall Office 2007 and reinstall?

If so, any problems I need to head off at the pass?

Thanks so much! Clairemont
Stumbling through Office 2007 with Windows XP (media)

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.


You may need to do a repair install of 2007, but only if what I suggest next
does not work for you.

Instead of just copying the cells containing your table, select the COLUMNS
that contain your table then go to the destination sheet and select the same
number of columns and either simply PASTE or PASTE SPECIAL/All. The column
widths and number formats should also be copied. They are in my installation
of Office 2007 on Windows XP.

Also, why not set up one sheet with the tables (both of them) all set up and
then copy the entire sheet as a new sheet: right click the sheet's name tab
and choose Edit | Move or Copy with the 'Create a Copy' option selected.

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