Split Database-HELP!!-1 form opens up blank



I'm in the test stages of splitting an Access97 database (multi-user,
multi-facility environment) so that the front end can be opened with Access97
or Access2003 software. All queries, forms, etc. work fine after making the
split except for one New Record entry form that has a sub-form tied to it
(for automatically adding new customer names). The form opens fine when I log
in as the administrator but it opens as a blank screen when I log in as a
User in a group with more limited rights. Still, if I right click on the
blank form I can click on a sort button that comes up and the forms opens in
sort mode!
I've checked all my form properties; Allow additions, edits, deletions &
filters all = Yes; its source is the correct 'Customers' table; Recordset
Type = Dynaset; and Record Locks = No locks. The sub-form also opens up with
a blank screen when I don't log in as administrator. The subject group has
open/run rights to both forms.

Any insight on resolving this issue will be greatly appreciated! This is my
3rd posting on this. Thanks,

Joan Wild

The users also need appropriate permission on the recordsource for the form
i.e. the Customers table.


HI Joan,
I updated the permissions on both the "Main Data" Table and the "Customers"
table and it solved the problem.
Thanks so much!

Joan Wild said:
The users also need appropriate permission on the recordsource for the form
i.e. the Customers table.

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