Styles decrease in size by half point



BACKGROUND: Have Word 2003 on XP. I am creating a document by cutting and
pasting from a variety of nefarious .doc sources (meaning their styles and
creation circumstances are all suspect). I am meticulously pasting text only,
and have defined Alt+S as a keyboard shortcut that gets me to the Paste
Special dialog box, where I select unformatted text. I re-create all tables
and insert all pix anew. (Well, I must admit I may have copied a <very> small
number of small icon-size graphics into the file.)

I also meticulously use only defined styles in the document, both para. and
a few char. styles. This doc. is based on a template created from one
provided to me, and must confess, I'm wondering if it could be corrupt or
what is happening. (A new doc. based on the template has none of these
prob's, though.)

THE PROBLEM: I'm up to almost 100 pages, and a look in the styles pane shows
that almost every style has an override in which the font has changed by 0.5
point. For example, Normal (defined as 11 pt) is listed, but so is
Normal+10.5. All Normal text has been redefined w/the override.

What could be happening? There are no section breaks in this file yet; they
will be added later after the sections have been reorganized.

Thanks very much.


To test if it is the template that may be corrupt, use FIle, Open and select
the template, then use the Open and Repair option. Word will list any errors
it finds.

One of the lessons I learnt is to never create a template with styles based
on normal style. I always create a new style I call templetenamebase style
(usually abbreviated though!) and base all my styles on the base style
(except headings where H2, H3, etc., are based on the previous heading
level). That ensures that anything copied and pasted doesn't bring in any
anomalies that will mess up the template styles and numbering.

Those char styles that can infest a document can be minimised but not using
the Keep Track of Formatting option and making sure that Word2003 is fully
patched to date (I think it was SP2 that really sorted this).



A tardy "thank you" for the tip. I did Open and Repair the orig. template,
and several errors were detected -- multiple "Drawn Objects and Text Boxes,
an "Internal Data Integrity (Type 4), and numerous "Numbered Styles" errors.
When I Opened/Repaired the template I created based on the orig. template,
the same errors showed up.

I have no idea what these errors are about, so guess I'll have to do a bit
of research (I have a perverse desire to know these things.) Anyway, thanks
again for your tip about basing styles on other than the Normal style. That's
a good one.

TF said:
To test if it is the template that may be corrupt, use FIle, Open and select
the template, then use the Open and Repair option. Word will list any errors
it finds.

One of the lessons I learnt is to never create a template with styles based
on normal style. I always create a new style I call templetenamebase style
(usually abbreviated though!) and base all my styles on the base style
(except headings where H2, H3, etc., are based on the previous heading
level). That ensures that anything copied and pasted doesn't bring in any
anomalies that will mess up the template styles and numbering.

Those char styles that can infest a document can be minimised but not using
the Keep Track of Formatting option and making sure that Word2003 is fully
patched to date (I think it was SP2 that really sorted this).


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