Sync to Palm failures




Until yesterday I have been happily syncing Entourage 2004 to my Palm
devices with the conduit and Missing Sync.

However I now obtain this error when I try.

Syncing Address Book
An unknown error #17411 occurred
Failed Entourage Conduit (0x4403)

Nothing has changed on my Palm or iMac. Does anyone have any ideas?

Using the latest OSX 10.4.4 with all the patches and Office 2004 with
all it's patches and updates.



Hi - Don't use Missing Sync but have used Palm conduit and Entourage
2004 without trouble. However, also use e2sync to sync Entourage to
iSync/.mac and although it works, have come to the conclusion that it
is the "ragged edge of technology" and syncing has mind of its own.
Rebuild permissions? Good luck

Teresa Stern

You might try re-installing the "handheld sync" installer which is
found in the "additional tools" folder in Microsoft 0ffice 2004. That
may have gotten corrupted. That's what connects Entrourage to Missing


I have tried re-installing the Handheld Sync tool from the Office CD
but it hasn't helped. I have tried restarting the iMac and the Palm
many times without success.

I have been using Missing Sync for almost 18 months now without
problems. This one confuses me. Short of blanking the Lifedrive
(which I am tempted to do) I would like to think this is solvable.

I tried disabling the various parts of the Entourage conduit also to
see if any one part of the conduit was failing. Weird characters in
data, that kind of thing, but Address Book, Calendar, Tasks etc. all
come up with the same error so I can't see it as bad data on the Palm.

Very odd.

Any other suggestions before madness creeps over me?


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