Table of Contents Help



How do I remove page numbers and leaders from a Table of
Contents? For instance, on Part 1 & Short Title, Purpose and
Definitions, I figured out how to remove the leaders but can't figure
out how to remove the page numbers. Can you help? (When I copied and
pasted it, it removed all of the leaders)
Part I

Short Title Definitions and Purpose

..0100. Short Title 4
..0101. The Program and its Purpose. 4
..0102. Definitions. 4

So when I do all of the headings so I can do the Table of Contents it
puts page numbers in at Part I and Short Title Definitions and Purposes
and I don't want page numbers there. If you can find and easy way to
take them out I would be most appreciative.

Simon Minder

Hi Heide

If you go to - Insert - Reference - Index and Tables and you switch to the
"Table of Contents" tab. You just need to take the tick out of the "Show page
numbers" box.

Kind regards,



Well....that did take out the page numbers, but it took it out for all of
them! I want them on some levels. Is there any way to do this without
editing the TOC edit field by hand?

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