Task RTF notes


T J Mathew

hi ,

how can i update the task notes( task_rtf_notes) field in msp_tasks. i have
tasks that have been allocated resources , and i need to insert task notes
for the tasks. i tried to do a binary update of the task_rtf_notes field and
also set the task_has_notes field to 1 and also the
msp_projects.proj_ext_edited field to 1 , but i could not see the task notes
on opening the project in msproject professional . I could read the same
binary task notes using VB direclty from the database , and it gave me the
correct data.

pleaase advice

Thanks ,

T J Mathew

Jack D.

T said:
I am using Project 2002 Server and professional.

Thanks ,

T J Mathew

Did you update the task EXT_EDIT_REF_DATA field?

Here is what projdb.htm says:
Setting the flags required to enable updating project data in the database
In all cases where project data in a database is edited outside Microsoft
Project, the column PROJ_EXT_EDITED in the MSP_PROJECTS table must be set to

When editing existing rows in the MSP_TASKS, MSP_RESOURCES, MSP_ASSIGNMENTS,
and MSP_LINKS tables, the column EXT_EDIT_REF_DATA must be set to 1 followed
by the values of the columns listed in the tables below (all values
delimited by commas). When creating new rows, however, the column
EXT_EDIT_REF_DATA should be set to 1.

However, if you still have a problem why not use one of the text fields
instead? The notes field can be a bit problematic.

Please try to keep replies in this group. I do check e-mail, but only
infrequently. For Macros and other things check http://masamiki.com/project

-Jack Dahlgren, Project MVP


Mike Glen

Hi TJ,

Please use the Project 2002 newsgroups referenced in FAQ No 24: Project and
Project VBA Newsgroups, at this web address: http://www.mvps.org/project/ .
You are more likely to get an answer there.

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

T J Mathew

Jack D. said:
Did you update the task EXT_EDIT_REF_DATA field?

Here is what projdb.htm says:
Setting the flags required to enable updating project data in the database
In all cases where project data in a database is edited outside Microsoft
Project, the column PROJ_EXT_EDITED in the MSP_PROJECTS table must be set to

When editing existing rows in the MSP_TASKS, MSP_RESOURCES, MSP_ASSIGNMENTS,
and MSP_LINKS tables, the column EXT_EDIT_REF_DATA must be set to 1 followed
by the values of the columns listed in the tables below (all values
delimited by commas). When creating new rows, however, the column
EXT_EDIT_REF_DATA should be set to 1.

However, if you still have a problem why not use one of the text fields
instead? The notes field can be a bit problematic.

Please try to keep replies in this group. I do check e-mail, but only
infrequently. For Macros and other things check http://masamiki.com/project

-Jack Dahlgren, Project MVP

hi Jack ,

as per the documentation , I call the procedure msp_backup_task after the
RTF_notes updation for the EXT_EDIT_REF_DATA to be set , but still it does
not work .

Is there any other way out for RTF notes ?

thanks ,

T J Mathew

T J Mathew

hi Mike ,

I have check in all the microsoft newsgroups mentioned in FAQ24 :


For Project 2002 Professional version:
For Project 2002 Standard version:

but still i could not get an answer .i have even posted my query in
microsoft.public.project.pro_and_server and
microsoft.public.project.pro_and_server, but no replies so far..

please help !!!!!!

T J Mathew

Mike Glen

Hi TJ,

I don't know (I don't have 2002 pro or a server/database and I don't know
vba) and maybe others don't know either!

Mike Glen
Project MVP

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