Tasks automatically updates after saving only



We got project server 2003 with SP2a.

Situation is as follows:

- user enters actual work on tasks page,
- user clicks save button for entered actuals,
- user DOES NOT click update all button.
- manager can see and accept enterd actuals despite udate all button was not

- It does not happen for all users, I found it happens for one person,
- For this person I tried to enter protected actuals for different task
(from the same schedule) and clicked save changes again button update all
was not clicked.
Manager could not see entered actuals so it was OK.
- It happens for task with already reported and saved and updated actuals.
New actuals are set for approval to manager without update all button.

Any ideas?



Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


This is easily explained by the simplistic approach used in the
non-transactional timesheet system in Project Server. Each user has a
singular time bucket that holds all of their updates. When the user clicks
the update button, the bucket is marked "ready to empty" or in Project
Server's language "ready for update." When the user adds additional hours to
their timesheet, they're entering them into the same single bucket that is
already marked for update. Therefore, all additional data is included in the
record set that the PM sees. Make sense? Of course I'm asking about your
observation of the behavior, as we all know the design, itself, doesn't make
much sense.<g>

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