Textboxes, checkboxes, option groups....

  • Thread starter nilrickbl via AccessMonster.com
  • Start date

nilrickbl via AccessMonster.com

Ok here's the deal.
I want to create a form that will have data entered by a technician. This
data will then be saved to a table for reports at a later date. On this form
I have to have a group of options for the tech to select. There could be
about 20 options. Of which, the tech can select 1...or 5....or all 20 options,
depending on the device under test. Now for the kicker, I would like to have
all these options displayed on the form in one text box called "accessories".
So when I veiw the report, I can see the device according to its serial
number(ID) and have one area to veiw the accessories.
I was trying to do this without using a query but im not sure if i can. I
tried using Option Group, but could ony get one option selected at a time...
so this wont work. I tried using check boxes but now the text box will not
display all the check boxes selected. I know how to us the IF then Else
functions to change the values, but how do I get the text boxes to accept
data from all the check boxes?
Maybe another method is better then what Im doing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Use two tables, two queries, form and subform.
The tables are related one-to-many on the serial number(ID). The second
table has ID and Option as a multiple field index set to unique(No ID having
same option selected twice).
The second query pulls from the ID_Option table for the subform. The
subform is Master/Child linked using the ID. The subform set for datasheet
display and has listbox to select options.

Larry Daugherty

First, recognize that all of your data will reside in tables. Forms
are simply lenses that pass over and display the data in your tables,
usually via queries. Presented differently; your users see and
interact with Forms but the data is in Tables.

To get done what you want will require at least a couple of Tables:
tblEquipment and tblAccessories (or tblOptions or whatever else your
nomenclature might require).

Your Form (say frmEquipment) would be based on tblEquipment, probably
via a Query that sorts the data in some meaningful way.

There would be a 2nd Form designed to be used as a SubForm that will
first be designed and then placed in a subform control on

The whole process sounds daunting if you've never done it before.
There is pretty good support for the process of creating the
Form/Subform paradigm in Access's Help. Work your way through it and
play with it and you'll have added some very valuable Access lore to
your skill set.

Post back as you have questions.


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