Tools Menu Greyed Out



Got a little problem with my Access, the IT staff here recon it's a problem
with something that I've done with my profile - Does anyone know what I've
done or hwo I can repair the damage without having my profile reset?

My tools Menu is greyed out, So I cannot access Database Utilities or the
Macro's or anything.

Is there a way under code to turn these off? Therefore be able to turn it
back on?

Thank you for your help

John W. Vinson

Got a little problem with my Access, the IT staff here recon it's a problem
with something that I've done with my profile - Does anyone know what I've
done or hwo I can repair the damage without having my profile reset?

My tools Menu is greyed out, So I cannot access Database Utilities or the
Macro's or anything.

Is there a way under code to turn these off? Therefore be able to turn it
back on?

Thank you for your help

What version of Access are you using? The security model changed considerably
with 2007. And what's the extension on the filename? .mdb or .accdb should
allow you to work in design view; .mde and .accde are "compiled" versions
which will not.

John W. Vinson [MVP]


No, definately not compiled, it's a 2000 data base mdb trying to open using
microsoft office 2000

It should work! :)

John W. Vinson

Got a little problem with my Access, the IT staff here recon it's a problem
with something that I've done with my profile - Does anyone know what I've
done or hwo I can repair the damage without having my profile reset?

My tools Menu is greyed out, So I cannot access Database Utilities or the
Macro's or anything.

Is there a way under code to turn these off? Therefore be able to turn it
back on?

Do you have full - read, write, create, delete - permissions on the database
file and on the folder containing it?

Are you opening the database exclusively (you should be to do design work)?

John W. Vinson [MVP]



I get the same no matter what database I use - whether it's on my area of
the network or on a flash drive.

It also happens when creating a new database in "My documents"

Thank you for your help so far

John W. Vinson


I get the same no matter what database I use - whether it's on my area of
the network or on a flash drive.

It also happens when creating a new database in "My documents"

Thank you for your help so far

Sounds like your installation of Access is flawed - or it's a runtime version
of Access, not the full retail product. How did you install it? From an Office
DVD with a 25-letter installation code? You may need to uninstall it
completely and reinstall.

John W. Vinson [MVP]

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