Undo improper setup



Version: 2008
Email Client: Exchange


I am supporting a client with a Windows 2003 Small Business Server. A staff member went out and purchased a Mac Book Pro. After the fact we discovered that in order for him to have most of the Outlook functions he needs from his Mac (email, shared calendars, contacts), he needed to purchase Office for the Mac 2008 (he got the media edition). Someone in his office configured an Entourage mail account as a pop email account. Since this was done, all his email has downloaded to his Mac, mail is no longer on the server, his calendar and contacts are on the server and not available to him on the Mac and he frequently cannot check his mail from his cell phone because it downloads to the Mac.

I have looked through some of the documentation on this site on how to configure Entourage to work with an Exchange server and I still am not sure about something.

My goal is to have his mail, contacts and calendar stay on the server, others in the organization need to access it and he needs to be able to sync his phone with the Exchange server over the air. I have the instructions for how to connect Entourage to an account on the Exchange server. What is the best way to get the e-mail currently on the Mac, back to the Exchange server? Is that possible?

I have very little experience with Macs and would appreciate any other tidbit anyone is kind enough to share.

Thanks for your help.
Mike Garoutte

Diane Ross

I have very little experience with Macs and would appreciate any other tidbit
anyone is kind enough to share.

First, a POP account is generally set to download mail and delete from the
server. You can set in the Account --> Options tab to "leave on server", but
I suggest you set up the account as an Exchange account rather than as a POP
account. The Entourage calendar, notes, tasks etc do not sync with Exchange.
When you have the Exchange account set up as default, the user will see
those items on the Exchange account rather than "On My Computer."

Connecting Entourage to an Exchange Server at work

Connecting Entourage to an Exchange Server from Home

Optimize Entourage to better work with Exchange

After you set up the Exchange account, you can drag those message from the
folders "On My Computer" to the Exchange folders to put them back on the

I also suggest you view this page to understand the folders "On My
Computer". Many Exchange users archive their mail to folders on their


Hope this helps! If you continue to have questions the Exchange experts will
be able to guide you.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
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