Use of <a href> tag




This link, <a href="images/Recruit.jpg"> Picture of Recruit </a> will
display a photo in a new browser window. Is it possible to set the
background color in the new browser window? Thanks.


Trevor Lawrence

<a href="recruit.html"> Picture of Recruit </a>

where recruit.html is
<!-- other head stuff in here -->

<style type="text/css">
body {background-color:red;}

..<!-- other body stuff in here -->

<img src="images/Recruit.jpg">

..<!-- other body stuff in here -->


Hello Trevor:

Thank you for the reply. That is a solution I may have to use. I have many
of these pictures I have to link and was hoping I didn't have to create an
html page for each picture. Thanks again.


Mike Mueller

The answer given to you is based 100% on the question you asked

If you want to have recruit.html be a generic page for different images then
you will need to use some scripting, either server or client side would be

Generic ASP version

<a href="Recruit.asp?id=Recruit1.jpg">Recruit1</a>


<% urlImage = Trim(" " & Request.QueryString("id")) %>
<!-- other head stuff in here -->
<style type="text/css">
body {background-color:red;}
<!-- other body stuff in here -->
<% IF urlImage <>"" THEN %>
<img src="images/<%=urlImage%>" />
<% ELSE %>
<!-- whatever content you want to display in case of error -->
<% END IF %>
<!-- other body stuff in here -->

Trevor Lawrence


I agree 100%. In fact, I have a website with a generic page for images
(named picture.html, but that is irrelevant). I put images into this page
using client side Javascript. Works for me !

Do you want me to post he Javascipt


Hello Trevor/Mike:

Thank you both for the replies. Trevor, I would appreciate if you would
post the Javascript. Thanks.


Trevor Lawrence


I realise that my original code has grown a bit and is now rather complex.

I'll see if I can trim it down to the simplest code similar to what Mike has
done with ASP, and get back to you

Mike Mueller

One other thing that is nice about using javascript is that you can do
popups with it
A nice thing about using a page for the images is that you can do more than
a background color- on this gallery from a few years back I took the site
color scheme and made a picture frame for the popup image.

Trevor Lawrence

I'll have a look at your page.

Without looking at it, I think what I do may be similar. I do a popup using'picture.html'). In picture.html, I use JS to determine the
image size and use this to position the window centrally and size it (the
window) to fit the image. This is at Click on
either picture on left or right (me or Carole). I actually use the image as
a background image overlaid on a table with rounded corner images in the

However, this is too complex for Chas' simple query. This is why I didn't
post yesterday

Chas, here is the simplified code

This is the calling page
<title>Test Picture</title>
<a href="picture.html?p=images/test image.jpg&c=A test caption">
A test image</a>

This is picture .html
<!-- other head stuff in here -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function qsobj(parm) {
var qpairs, qvbl;

// get url string after '?' and split by "&" into an array
qpairs ="&");

// if qpairs[parm] exists, split by "=" into an array, else return null
if (qpairs[parm]) qvbl = qpairs[parm].split("=");
else return null;

// return string after "=" if it exists, else null
return qvbl[1] ? unescape(qvbl[1].replace(/%20|\ +/g," ")) : null;
} // ---- end qsobj() ------------

function getPic() {
document.title =
document.getElementById("pic").title =
document.getElementById("cap").value = qsobj(1)||qsobj(0);
} // ---- end qetPic() ------------

<style type="text/css">
body {background-color:red;}
div {text-align: center; }

<body onload="getPic()">
<!-- other body stuff in here -->

<img id="pic"><br>
<input id="cap" type="text">


The CSS in picture.html sets a red background and centres the <div> in which
the image is placed. You can change these to suit.

I also added code to place a caption underneath the image, in the <img>
title (when the image is moused over) and in the document title (in the
title bar). This is optional. It can be omitted by using <a
href="picture.html?p=images/test image.jpg"> in which case the image
filename will be used.

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