Visio Page Names + Hyperlinks - change from Old to New



I've inherited a Visio 2002 file with 360 pages of flowcharts,
non-descriptive page names and tons of hyperlinks - 75% are linked to pages
within the file, other 25% are to Word & XL files saved as web pages. I plan
1. Create a data source (Excel spreadsheet of 3 columns, of Page_Num,
Old_Page_Name and New_Page_Name. Already got this VBA code working for first
two fields, and will simply type in logical/descriptive New_Page_Name.
2. Run macro to change page names from Old_ to New_.
3. Run macro to find objects/shapes with hyperlinks of Old_Page_Name and
change hyperlink to New_Page_Name. If hyperlink is not Old_Page_Name, write
Page_Num, New_Page_Name and Hyperlink to a text file so I can clean them up
Desperately need help with 2 + 3, and refining of 1 as I'm happy to convert
the Excel data source into anything to accomplish 2 + 3.
ANY VBA code and/or alternate approaches very much appreciated.
Many thanks, Deirdreob

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