What does the number 1.26E-23 mean? Is it a large or small number



Its a huge number. The E stands for exponetial and the 23 means 23 decimal
places to the right.


מיכ×ל (מיקי) ×בידן

Or, maybe, 0.0000000000000000000000126

RonaldoOneNil said:
Its a huge number. The E stands for exponetial and the 23 means 23 decimal
places to the right.


Bob I

the negative indicates that the decimal is 23 places to the left of
where you see it.

Joe User

Tommy37 said:
What does the number 1.26E-23 mean?
Is it a large or small number

It is a very very small number, very close to zero. I wonder if your real
question is: how do you avoid it?

If you are entering numeric strings longer than 15 digits (account numbers,
product serial numbers, etc.), you should enter them as text. Exactly how to
do that depends on how you are entering the data. If you entering them
manually, simply put an apostrophe (') in front of the numeric string.

If you see numbers of that form as a result of computation, you probably
should round the computation, either by using the ROUND function or by
setting the Precision As Displayed calculation option (Tools > Options >
Calculation in Excel 2003). I usually deprecate the use of PAD, however.

David Biddulph

No, it is a very small number. Ronaldo missed the minus sign in front of
the number 23. You need to move the decimal point in the opposite

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