Why does word automatically embolds my fonts?




I type in 2 languages (Fars&English) in MS-Word 2003, but whenver I swtich
between languages, (using left Alt+Shift) Word automatically changes the
"Bold" property of my font, If it is bold, it makes it "Non-bold" and if it
is "non-bold", word makes it "Bold".

Even when I set the default property of both languages to "Regular", it
automatically converts the English font's default property to "Bold".
What should I do?

Thank you

Cindy M.

Hi Javad,
I type in 2 languages (Fars&English) in MS-Word 2003, but whenver I swtich
between languages, (using left Alt+Shift) Word automatically changes the
"Bold" property of my font, If it is bold, it makes it "Non-bold" and if it
is "non-bold", word makes it "Bold".

Even when I set the default property of both languages to "Regular", it
automatically converts the English font's default property to "Bold".
What should I do?
If you hold down the CTRL button when starting Word to go into Safe Mode, does
the problem still occur while in Safe Mode?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

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No, It doesn't happen in safe mode, and It doesn't happen in every document.
Only in 1 of my documents this happens all the time. (I found this
recently). I don't know the reason, but If you know, any help is

Thank you

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