Why doesn't html fragment work on all pages



I'm working in Publisher 2003. I've added Google AdSense's html fragment.
The ads works fine on page 1 -- but dthey on't appear on my other pages. As
far as I know, I don't have a Master page -- didn't know about it. Can you
help? My site: www.the-pi.org. Thanks in advance -- LEB


Uh...er...cuz they need to be inserted into each page....

Don't use a master page in a web publication.



LEB said:
I'm working in Publisher 2003. I've added Google AdSense's html fragment.
The ads works fine on page 1 -- but they don't appear on my other pages. As
far as I know, I don't have a Master page -- didn't know about it. Can you
help? My site: www.the-pi.org. Thanks in advance -- LEB I don't have a Master page. I have inserted the html on each page. It all looks fine in the web preview pane. It's just messed up when I upload. -- Thanks - LEB


Hi, David. I don't have a master page. I did put the html on every page.
In fact, it all looks perfect on the preview page. It's just the upload that
gets messed up. ??



I haven't used the google ads before, but when I load your home page, I see
the google ads, but they overlap and displace or shift some of your other
content. When I look at the source code, it appears that the ad needs a
space of 728x90. I suspect that when you inserted the html code fragment,
and then sized the fragment box, that you did not size the box at 728x90.
Change your layout in Publisher so that the code fragment box is the correct
size..or actually just a bit larger, and make sure it does not overlap any
other design elements.

As per it not showing up at all on your other pages, check both the size of
code fragment box and make sure you are not trying to insert it into a text
frame? When I look at the source code for your other pages I do not see the
google ad code, which would seem to indicate that you did not insert the
code. If you did, please explain the exact steps you took to insert the html
code fragment and the google ad code.



Thanks, David. Your first suggestion was correct -- I enlarged the space on
page 1 -- that's good now! Thanks!

Ok, other pages: I used the 'Insert HTML' command, copied & pasted the html
from page 1's insert box (I also tried copying from page 1's text box, & I
tried going back to Google & copying the code from their site again). I then
moved the box into position & checked the preview pane -- all looks good.
These looks are definietly deceiving! Still no ads on other pages! Help! --


That's progress at least.

My next guess as to why the ads are not showing up on the other pages would
be that somewhere within that code snippet, you probably have to enter the
URL for the page. Your home page is: http://www.the-pi.org/index.htm but its
possible that in order to get the code to work, you don't need to include
the index.htm part of the URL, as that is a default. Your second page is:
http://www.the-pi.org/index_files/Page362.htm I would study the Google code
to see if you need to use this absolute link in order for it to work
correctly. I would also go back and read the instructions on the Google site
again to see if you can pick up any other clue.



Hi, again, David. I tried everything to get those Google ads on. Then I
decided to make a few edits. Now, even the edits don't convert over to the
web! Only changes on page one are working. So I don't think it's the ads --
looks like Publisher doesn't want me to make changes on secondary pages --
the nerve! Do you recognize this problem? Please let me know. Thanks -- LEB


I don't think it is anything inherent in Publisher, but its hard to say.
Perhaps if you post the code snippet that you are inserting into the first
page, we can study it, and see if we can spot something. I am not a coder,
but others that read this group are, and maybe they can make some
suggestions. Otherwise, my original advise stands...go back and read the
instructions on Google again...maybe the answer lies there. Sorry.


Mike Koewler

I haven't a clue what this means as I don't use Pub, but your Home page
uses frames. The google stuff is in a frame. On the other pages, there
is no frame.

Maybe David has a clue about this.



Beats me. Maybe this is an example of where trying to use frames with a
Publisher site just doesn't work. Even the google stuff on the home page
should be at the bottom of the page, rather than crossing in the middle, I
would think. Perhaps if the OP does post the code snippet, an answer will
present itself.



FYI -- I took all Google ads off, saved my site under new name & reloaded my
site -- no changes came through! This doesn't seem to be about Google ads --
somethings up with Publisher! -- LEB


Yeah! I figured it out by reading many other responses to other questions.
i deleted vs. overwriting the index & htm files from the FTP site -- now it
uploaded with the updates!!! Thanks all! -- LEB

Mike Koewler


FWIW, some servers can take hours to update before changes are
available. Also, if you do not use CTRL/F5 after loading a site, you
might be viewing a cached copy of the page. Your google ads seem to show
on all the pages I viewed, though your search was only on a couple of pages.

I really don't see a need for a search on more than the home page. You
also might want to reconsider using Google search. It does NOT search
your site, even though I clicked that option. I copied/pasted Elizabeth
Olmsted Teisberg from your site into the search box. Nothing in your
site was listed.


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