Word 2003 as Data Source: Using Word Doc Form Fields as Data Sourc



I am trying to set up some rudimentary document automation using Word 2003's
mail merge feature.

What I would like to do is create a basic client information file in a Word
2003 document based on a template. The document would contain fields (client
name and contact info).

I would then like to be able to reuse that data in later documents, such as
letters, legal documents, etc.

The problem that I'm running into is this: I want the client data source to
be "user friendly" and easy to generate (i.e. a Word template). Creating a
mdb file that is accessible and editable through the Word mail merge wizard
is a bit clunky (it takes multiple clicks to get there, and then the
interface is not user-friendly, plus it is designed for merging multiple
entries, when I only plan to merge one record at a time). Using Excel as a
data source doesn't make much sense for me, either: it's more amenable to
multiple-entry lists, too, yet I only will have one entry at a time.

The upshot of my question is: Is it possible to set up a mail merge where
the Main Document pulls data from form fields in another Word document?


Nathan Piwowarski

Peter Jamieson

The upshot of my question is: Is it possible to set up a mail merge where
the Main Document pulls data from form fields in another Word document?

I had a look at this and I think the answer is "You can do it, but you have
to set up your form in a certain way, and you have to use a trick that may
not always work in Word.use a trick."

Let's suppose you want 3 fields:
ClientID, ClientFirstName, ClientLastName

Then set up your form as a table with 2 rows and 3 columns. In the first
row, put the field names, one per cell. In the second row, create your Form
fields, one per cell, and use the field properties dialog to name the fields
ClientID, ClientFirstName, ClientLastName. Protect the form, enter some
data, and save the document (don't save it as "data only for forms")

In your Mail Merge main document, use that saved document as a data source.
I don't think the standard merge fields such as { MERGEFIELD ClientID }
will work - they will probably display the same "unfilled placeholder
characters" as the form. But try changing the MERGEFIELD to REF. The correct
results will not appear in preview but you should see the correct result
when you merge.

NB, the column headers have to be there and you have to use a table, because
otherwise Word does not recognise the file as a valid data source. In theory
the column headings in the table do not have to have the same names as the
field names you want to use (because when Word uses the REF field, it look
at the name you have given to the form field).

An alternative, which again relies on an old and creaky Word feature, would
be to set up the column headings as a delimited text file (e.g. use tab
delimiters) in a separate file. Then use step 2 of the old Mail Merge Helper
(drag it out from Tools|Customize|Commands|category "All Commands") to
select that as the Header Source. In your form, either
a. In your form file, have the form fields you need, also (say)
tab-separated, and no other content. Not very helpful for the user IMO. Use
the REF fields as above in your mail merge main document. Or
b. set the Tools|Options|Save|"Save data only for forms" option to save the
form as a .txt file, and use that as the data source. You should be able to
use MERGEFIELD fields in this case, not REF fields.

You may find that you have various problems getting Word to recognise your
header and data source file delimiters in this case.

If you want more flexibility than that, the simplest thing to do is to
provide macros with your form that save the data in whatever format you
need. You are likely to get a bit more control over the process doing things
that way.



Thank you for your advice. This was what I was looking for, I think, and if
it doesn't work, I'll try the macro angle.



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