Word 2003 - KB Article 291178



I am reposting this thing here as a 'stand-alone', since it seems to be
getting overlooked by virtue of me originally posting it as a reply to one
left by "Cprelude" on 10/25/2006 entitled "Word 2003 - Cannot Save Due To
File Permission Error".

I can add virtually nothing to the description and scenario of Cprelude's
post which references MS Knowledge Base Article 291178, save mention that in
the several client cases I'm working on now they have between 1GB and 2GB of
RAM and absolutely HUGE hard drives with many gigabytes of FREE space on them.

They, too, have done everything mandated in the article, up to and including
closing every other open program except for Word, all with no positive
results (which is totally unacceptable, since that's the main reason anybody
uses Windows, for its multi-tasking ability).

They are all using Windows XP Pro SP2, with both the OS and Office
"patched-up" to the very latest versions.

It's running them nuts that they can increasingly not save the Word ".doc"
file they're working on, and many times they lose it all together - I have a
full-scale client revolt on my hands here, and I don't begin to know how to
solve their problem - I immediately took it as a Bad Sign when I saw the
words "Workaround" in the KB Article, instead of "Here's the Fix". The
"Resolution" simply does not apply, since as mentioned previously, they have
multi (300-500) gigabyte hard drives with vast amounts of unused space to
begin with.

The common denominator here seems to be the installation of Live OneCare,
both the (non-beta) downloaded and retail boxed versions, all of which have
been recently loaded on various clients' computers (unfortunately at my

All of these folks have run Norton SystemWorks and Personal Firewall for
years and have never experienced this problem.

So, something's Rotten in Denmark here; whether this is the correct forum or
we get booted over to the Live OneCare forum, this is a tangible, serious
problem which requires Microsoft's immediate attention.

Please give us some much-needed insight, if you would, before I get ridden
out of town on a "digital rail".

Thanks in advance.


macropod said:
Hi Travis,

Try the steps outlined at:
and see if you get any joy that way.


[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Travis said:
I am reposting this thing here as a 'stand-alone', since it seems to be
getting overlooked by virtue of me originally posting it as a reply to one
left by "Cprelude" on 10/25/2006 entitled "Word 2003 - Cannot Save Due To
File Permission Error".

I can add virtually nothing to the description and scenario of Cprelude's
post which references MS Knowledge Base Article 291178, save mention that in
the several client cases I'm working on now they have between 1GB and 2GB of
RAM and absolutely HUGE hard drives with many gigabytes of FREE space on them.

They, too, have done everything mandated in the article, up to and including
closing every other open program except for Word, all with no positive
results (which is totally unacceptable, since that's the main reason anybody
uses Windows, for its multi-tasking ability).

They are all using Windows XP Pro SP2, with both the OS and Office
"patched-up" to the very latest versions.

It's running them nuts that they can increasingly not save the Word ".doc"
file they're working on, and many times they lose it all together - I have a
full-scale client revolt on my hands here, and I don't begin to know how to
solve their problem - I immediately took it as a Bad Sign when I saw the
words "Workaround" in the KB Article, instead of "Here's the Fix". The
"Resolution" simply does not apply, since as mentioned previously, they have
multi (300-500) gigabyte hard drives with vast amounts of unused space to
begin with.

The common denominator here seems to be the installation of Live OneCare,
both the (non-beta) downloaded and retail boxed versions, all of which have
been recently loaded on various clients' computers (unfortunately at my

All of these folks have run Norton SystemWorks and Personal Firewall for
years and have never experienced this problem.

So, something's Rotten in Denmark here; whether this is the correct forum or
we get booted over to the Live OneCare forum, this is a tangible, serious
problem which requires Microsoft's immediate attention.

Please give us some much-needed insight, if you would, before I get ridden
out of town on a "digital rail".

Thanks in advance.


Thanks for taking a shot at this; the link you provided may well prove to be
quite helpful for a variety of previously undiagnosed problems which may
pop-up in Word.

However, in this case (and in working with MS OneCare Tech Support) I think
the problem has now been pretty well identified, but just not satisfactorily
solved yet.

Per MS KB Article 910654, "How To Disable Windows Live OneCare", after the
progam (or more particularly the antivirus module part of it) was disabled,
the situation with Word 2003 & Word XP [the previous version] whereby it
wouldn't save a ".doc" file which was being worked on, corrected itself

So, in the greatest of all ironies, the very condition mentioned in MS KB
Article 291178, i.e., "Note: This behavior has been reported to occur if your
computer is running certain versions of antivirus software" is being
manifested by Live OneCare's own proprietary antivirus software!

The only workaround fix known at the moment is to turn off the antivirus
part of the program while you're working in Word and then turn it back on
when you're finished.

This is a jury-rig deal at best and something so bothersome that my clients
are not going to settle for having to do this very long, at all.

Let's hope Microsoft, now that they are aware of this most vexing problem,
will come up with a super-quick fix.

One of the main reasons I "preach the gospel" of sticking with an
"integrated" Microsoft solution is that they supposedly make sure all their
products work flawlessly together, which is why this is so frustrating (and
why my clients are screaming Bloody Murder at me).

You would think, after all the many thousands of hours of beta-testing this
thing before it was released in a Retail package, that such a
bread-and-butter issue as this (simply ensuring that WOC worked smoothly with
Word) would have been resolved long ago.

So, let's hope somebody from Microsoft at least acknowledges this apparent
compatibility bug here in this Forum, even if they want to point the folks
investigating it in another direction (since it doesn't appear to be a glitch
in Word, at least at this point in time).

Further comments are welcome, especially if somebody out there becomes aware
of a true fix...

Macropod said:
Hi Travis,

Try the steps outlined at:
and see if you get any joy that way.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Travis said:
I am reposting this thing here as a 'stand-alone', since it seems to be
getting overlooked by virtue of me originally posting it as a reply to one
left by "Cprelude" on 10/25/2006 entitled "Word 2003 - Cannot Save Due To
File Permission Error".

I can add virtually nothing to the description and scenario of Cprelude's
post which references MS Knowledge Base Article 291178, save mention that in
the several client cases I'm working on now they have between 1GB and 2GB of
RAM and absolutely HUGE hard drives with many gigabytes of FREE space on them.

They, too, have done everything mandated in the article, up to and including
closing every other open program except for Word, all with no positive
results (which is totally unacceptable, since that's the main reason anybody
uses Windows, for its multi-tasking ability).

They are all using Windows XP Pro SP2, with both the OS and Office
"patched-up" to the very latest versions.

It's running them nuts that they can increasingly not save the Word ".doc"
file they're working on, and many times they lose it all together - I have a
full-scale client revolt on my hands here, and I don't begin to know how to
solve their problem - I immediately took it as a Bad Sign when I saw the
words "Workaround" in the KB Article, instead of "Here's the Fix". The
"Resolution" simply does not apply, since as mentioned previously, they have
multi (300-500) gigabyte hard drives with vast amounts of unused space to
begin with.

The common denominator here seems to be the installation of Live OneCare,
both the (non-beta) downloaded and retail boxed versions, all of which have
been recently loaded on various clients' computers (unfortunately at my

All of these folks have run Norton SystemWorks and Personal Firewall for
years and have never experienced this problem.

So, something's Rotten in Denmark here; whether this is the correct forum or
we get booted over to the Live OneCare forum, this is a tangible, serious
problem which requires Microsoft's immediate attention.

Please give us some much-needed insight, if you would, before I get ridden
out of town on a "digital rail".

Thanks in advance.

Beth Melton

It's doubtful someone from Microsoft would acknowledge anything here.
While Microsoft hosts the newsgroups they are peer-to-peer resources
and Microsoft doesn't hang out here.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

TechTrax eZine: http://mousetrax.com/techtrax/
MVP FAQ site: http://mvps.org/

So, let's hope somebody from Microsoft at least acknowledges this
compatibility bug here in this Forum, even if they want to point the
investigating it in another direction (since it doesn't appear to be
a glitch
in Word, at least at this point in time).

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