Word format issue


Venkatesh V

There are fwew format/ display issues in word 2007.

these issues are appearing only in PRINT lAYOUT format (word content is
appearing correctly in full screen layout).

Issues are:
1) Display of Title is showing as { TITLE \* MERGEFORMAT }

2) Display of header / footer is showing as { COMMENTS \* MERGEFORMAT },
{Embed Pbrush}; { PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT }, Page {PAGE} of {NUMPAGES}

3) The text Introduction is shown as { TOC \o "2-2" \h \z \t "Heading 1,1" }

How to solve such issues?
Please clarify.

Regards & THanks,


Hi Venkatesh,

Press Alt-F9. This toggles the field code display, which is what you're now seeing.

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