Word - inserting a picture & default template


Mr. X.


I didn't find any correct newsgroup, so sorry if this quesion is irrelevant
to this one.

I have win-word 2003.

I want to add a picture at the title of any page.
what I have done is changing the header of the document, and insert a bmp
file into the header.

1) How can I change the width of the picture, so it would spread on the
whole size width ?
2) How can I save a default template, that will be the default one for each
time I will open word ?
3) How can I open a template from a list of templates - and can it be a skin
for a document,
even for exist old documents, with no template link to them ?

Thanks :)

Mr. X.

besides ...
I forgot how to insert the header (maybe in word 2000 it was different and
not by insert field ...)

Thanks :)

Graham Mayor

Mr. X. said:
I have win-word 2003.
1) How can I change the width of the picture, so it would spread on
the whole size width ?

Right click the picture > format picture > size - if necessary uncheck the
maintain aspect ratio box to allow the picture to be distorted.
2) How can I save a default template, that will be the default one
for each time I will open word ?

Normal.dot is the default template. You don't want to be adding
header/footers to this. Better to create document templates for your
different document types.
3) How can I open a template from a list of templates - and can it be
a skin for a document,

Add the FileNewDialog command to the standard toolbar in place of the
FileNew command. A template is intended to contain all the fixed elements
required to produce a given document type.
even for exist old documents, with no template link to them ?

Documents will stand alone without the template that they qwere based upon.

You are welcome

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Graham Mayor

You are looking for View > Header and Footer

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

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